Welcome to our Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Wiki Guides Database, here you can find everything you will need to explore the region of Sinnoh. This will include Locations and what type of Pokémon that will spawn in that area, depending on the method you use (Surfing, Fishing with Old Rod or Walking through Grass). We also have guides on how to obtain each Pokémon and the types of moves they can learn and much more.
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Wiki Guides
A complete Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Wiki Database of our Guides, you can view our most popular guides, and just below that is navigation shortcuts to our Wiki Databases of Items, Locations, Pokémon, and more.
Main Guides
Most Popular Guides.
Pokemon Spawn Locations Wiki Based on Type
List of all pokemon bdsp types and the locations you can find them spawning in the wild.
Best Pokemon To Use Based on Type
List of the best pokemon for each elemental type in the game.
Pokemon Moves you can learn based on Type
Complete list of pokemon moves based on type.
Pokemon Type Weaknesses Chart
List of each elemental type and their Type Weakness as well as the best counters to use for that type in BDSP.
Pokemon Stats List
List of pokemon stats based on Types in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Pokemon Guides
List of every pokemon you can find in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
- A
- Abomasnow
- Abra
- Absol
- Aerodactyl
- Aggron
- Aipom
- Alakazam
- Altaria
- Ambipom
- Ampharos
- Anorith
- Arbok
- Arcanine
- Arceus
- Ariados
- Armaldo
- Aron
- Articuno
- Azelf
- Azumarill
- Azurill
- B
- Bagon
- Baltoy
- Banette
- Barboach
- Bastiodon
- Bayleef
- Beautifly
- Beedrill
- Beldum
- Bellossom
- Bellsprout
- Bibarel
- Bidoof
- Blastoise
- Blaziken
- Blissey
- Bonsly
- Breloom
- Bronzong
- Bronzor
- Budew
- Buizel
- Bulbasaur
- Buneary
- Burmy
- Butterfree
- C
- Cacnea
- Cacturne
- Camerupt
- Carnivine
- Carvanha
- Cascoon
- Castform
- Caterpie
- Celebi
- Chansey
- Charizard
- Charmander
- Charmeleon
- Chatot
- Cherrim
- Cherubi
- Chikorita
- Chimchar
- Chimecho
- Chinchou
- Chingling
- Clamperl
- Claydol
- Clefable
- Clefairy
- Cleffa
- Cloyster
- Combee
- Combusken
- Corphish
- Corsola
- Cradily
- Cranidos
- Crawdaunt
- Cresselia
- Croagunk
- Crobat
- Croconaw
- Cubone
- Cyndaquil
- D
- Darkrai
- Delcatty
- Delibird
- Deoxys
- Dewgong
- Dialga
- Diglett
- Ditto
- Dodrio
- Doduo
- Donphan
- Dragonair
- Dragonite
- Drapion
- Dratini
- Drifblim
- Drifloon
- Drowzee
- Dugtrio
- Dunsparce
- Dusclops
- Dusknoir
- Duskull
- Dustox
- F
- Fan Rotom
- Farfetchd
- Fearow
- Feebas
- Feraligatr
- Finneon
- Flaaffy
- Flareon
- Floatzel
- Flygon
- Forretress
- Froslass
- Frost Rotom
- Furret
- G
- Gabite
- Gallade
- Garchomp
- Gardevoir
- Gastly
- Gastrodon
- Gengar
- Geodude
- Gible
- Girafarig
- Giratina Altered
- Giratina Origin
- Glaceon
- Glalie
- Glameow
- Gligar
- Gliscor
- Gloom
- Golbat
- Goldeen
- Golduck
- Golem
- Gorebyss
- Granbull
- Graveler
- Grimer
- Grotle
- Groudon
- Grovyle
- Growlithe
- Grumpig
- Gulpin
- Gyarados
- H
- Happiny
- Hariyama
- Haunter
- Heat Rotom
- Heatran
- Heracross
- Hippopotas
- Hippowdon
- Hitmonchan
- Hitmonlee
- Hitmontop
- Ho-Oh
- Honchkrow
- Hoothoot
- Hoppip
- Horsea
- Houndoom
- Houndour
- Huntail
- Hypno
- K
- Kabuto
- Kabutops
- Kadabra
- Kakuna
- Kangaskhan
- Kecleon
- Kingdra
- Kingler
- Kirlia
- Koffing
- Krabby
- Kricketot
- Kricketune
- Kyogre
- L
- Lairon
- Lanturn
- Lapras
- Larvitar
- Latias
- Latios
- Leafeon
- Ledian
- Ledyba
- Lickilicky
- Lickitung
- Lileep
- Linoone
- Lombre
- Lopunny
- Lotad
- Loudred
- Lucario
- Ludicolo
- Lugia
- Lumineon
- Lunatone
- Luvdisc
- Luxio
- Luxray
- M
- Machamp
- Machoke
- Machop
- Magby
- Magcargo
- Magikarp
- Magmar
- Magmortar
- Magnemite
- Magneton
- Magnezone
- Makuhita
- Mamoswine
- Manaphy
- Manectric
- Mankey
- Mantine
- Mantyke
- Mareep
- Marill
- Marowak
- Marshtomp
- Masquerain
- Mawile
- Medicham
- Meditite
- Meganium
- Meowth
- Mesprit
- Metagross
- Metang
- Metapod
- Mew
- Mewtwo
- Mightyena
- Milotic
- Miltank
- Mime Jr
- Minun
- Misdreavus
- Mismagius
- Moltres
- Monferno
- Mothim
- Mow Rotom
- Mr Mime
- Mudkip
- Muk
- Munchlax
- Murkrow
- N
- Natu
- Nidoking
- Nidoqueen
- NidoranF
- NidoranM
- Nidorina
- Nidorino
- Nincada
- Ninetales
- Ninjask
- Noctowl
- Nosepass
- Numel
- Nuzleaf
- P
- Pachirisu
- Palkia
- Paras
- Parasect
- Pelipper
- Persian
- Phanpy
- Phione
- Pichu
- Pidgeot
- Pidgeotto
- Pidgey
- Pikachu
- Piloswine
- Pineco
- Pinsir
- Piplup
- Plusle
- Politoed
- Poliwag
- Poliwhirl
- Poliwrath
- Ponyta
- Poochyena
- Porygon
- Porygon-Z
- Porygon2
- Primeape
- Prinplup
- Probopass
- Psyduck
- Pupitar
- Purugly
- R
- Raichu
- Raikou
- Ralts
- Rampardos
- Rapidash
- Raticate
- Rattata
- Rayquaza
- Regice
- Regigigas
- Regirock
- Registeel
- Relicanth
- Remoraid
- Rhydon
- Rhyhorn
- Rhyperior
- Riolu
- Roselia
- Roserade
- Rotom
- S
- Sableye
- Salamence
- Sandshrew
- Sandslash
- Sceptile
- Scizor
- Scyther
- Seadra
- Seaking
- Sealeo
- Seedot
- Seel
- Sentret
- Seviper
- Sharpedo
- Shaymin Land
- Shaymin Sky
- Shedinja
- Shelgon
- Shellder
- Shellos
- Shieldon
- Shiftry
- Shinx
- Shroomish
- Shuckle
- Shuppet
- Silcoon
- Skarmory
- Skiploom
- Skitty
- Skorupi
- Skuntank
- Slaking
- Slakoth
- Slowbro
- Slowking
- Slowpoke
- Slugma
- Smeargle
- Smoochum
- Sneasel
- Snorlax
- Snorunt
- Snover
- Snubbull
- Solrock
- Spearow
- Spheal
- Spinarak
- Spinda
- Spiritomb
- Spoink
- Squirtle
- Stantler
- Staraptor
- Staravia
- Starly
- Starmie
- Staryu
- Steelix
- Stunky
- Sudowoodo
- Suicune
- Sunflora
- Sunkern
- Surskit
- Swablu
- Swalot
- Swampert
- Swellow
- Swinub
- T
- Taillow
- Tangela
- Tangrowth
- Tauros
- Teddiursa
- Tentacool
- Tentacruel
- Togekiss
- Togepi
- Togetic
- Torchic
- Torkoal
- Torterra
- Totodile
- Toxicroak
- Trapinch
- Treecko
- Tropius
- Turtwig
- Typhlosion
- Tyranitar
- Tyrogue
- W
- Wailmer
- Wailord
- Walrein
- Wartortle
- Wash Rotom
- Weavile
- Weedle
- Weepinbell
- Weezing
- Whiscash
- Whismur
- Wigglytuff
- Wingull
- Wobbuffet
- Wooper
- Wormadam
- Wurmple
- Wynaut
- X
- Xatu
Pokemon Locations Database
List of all locations you can explore, including what items can be found and how to, as well as a list of pokemon that will spawn in that area.
- R
- Ravaged Path
- Resort Area
- Riverbank Cave
- Roaming Sinnoh
- Rocky Cave
- Route 201
- Route 202
- Route 203
- Route 204
- Route 205
- Route 206
- Route 207
- Route 208
- Route 209
- Route 210
- Route 211
- Route 212
- Route 213
- Route 214
- Route 215
- Route 216
- Route 217
- Route 218
- Route 219
- Route 220
- Route 221
- Route 222
- Route 223
- Route 224
- Route 225
- Route 226
- Route 227
- Route 228
- Route 229
- Route 230
Gym Leaders, Rival, Elite Four and Champion Battle Guides
List of all Gym Leaders, Rival, Elite Four and Champion Pokemon and their Moves, Abilities and Type Weaknesses in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Item Wiki Database
List of all Evolution, Held, Healing and other items you can use and find in Pokemon BDSP.
- C
- Catching Charm
- Charcoal
- Choice Band
- Choice Scarf
- Choice Specs
- Claw Fossil
- Cleanse Tag
- Coupon 1
- Coupon 2
- Coupon 3
- D
- Damp Rock
- Dawn Stone
- Deep Sea Scale
- Deep Sea Scale
- Deep Sea Tooth
- Deep Sea Tooth
- Destiny Knot
- Discovery Slate
- Distortion Slate
- Dome Fossil
- Draco Plate
- Dragon Fang
- Dragon Scale
- Dread Plate
- Dubious Disc
- Dusk Stone
- L
- Lagging Tail
- Lax Incense
- Leaf Stone
- Leftovers
- Life Orb
- Light Ball
- Light Clay
- Luck Incense
- Lucky Egg
- Lucky Punch
- Lunar Feather
- Lustrous Orb
- M
- Macho Brace
- Magmarizer
- Magnet
- Meadow Plate
- Member Card
- Mental Herb
- Metal Coat
- Metal Coat
- Metal Powder
- Metronome
- Mind Plate
- Miracle Seed
- Moon Stone
- Muscle Band
- Mystic Water
- P
- Pal Pad
- Parcel
- Pink Scarf
- Poffin Case
- Point Card
- Poison Barb
- Poke Radar
- Power Anklet
- Power Band
- Power Belt
- Power Bracer
- Power Herb
- Power Lens
- Power Weight
- Protector
- Pure Incense
- R
- Rainbow Slate
- Razor Claw
- Razor Claw
- Razor Fang
- Razor Fang
- Reaper Cloth
- Red Scarf
- Rock Incense
- Root Fossil
- Rose Incense
- Rotom Catalog
- S
- Scope Lens
- Sea Incense
- Seal Case
- Secret Potion
- Sharp Beak
- Shed Shell
- Shell Bell
- Shiny Charm
- Shiny Stone
- Shoal Salt
- Shoal Shell
- Silk Scarf
- Silver Powder
- Skull Fossil
- Sky Plate
- Smoke Ball
- Smooth Rock
- Soft Sand
- Soothe Bell
- Soul Dew
- Soul Slate
- Spell Tag
- Spell Tag
- Splash Plate
- Spooky Plate
- Sprayduck
- Squall Slate
- Stick
- Sticky Barb
- Stone Plate
- Storage Key
- Stratospheric Slate
- Suite Key
- Sun Stone
- Super Rod
- T
- TM01
- TM02
- TM03
- TM04
- TM05
- TM06
- TM07
- TM08
- TM09
- TM10
- TM100
- TM11
- TM12
- TM13
- TM14
- TM15
- TM16
- TM17
- TM18
- TM19
- TM20
- TM21
- TM22
- TM23
- TM24
- TM25
- TM26
- TM27
- TM28
- TM29
- TM30
- TM31
- TM32
- TM33
- TM34
- TM35
- TM36
- TM37
- TM38
- TM39
- TM40
- TM41
- TM42
- TM43
- TM44
- TM45
- TM46
- TM47
- TM48
- TM49
- TM50
- TM51
- TM52
- TM53
- TM54
- TM55
- TM56
- TM57
- TM58
- TM59
- TM60
- TM61
- TM62
- TM63
- TM64
- TM65
- TM66
- TM67
- TM68
- TM69
- TM70
- TM71
- TM72
- TM73
- TM74
- TM75
- TM76
- TM77
- TM78
- TM79
- TM80
- TM81
- TM82
- TM83
- TM84
- TM85
- TM86
- TM87
- TM88
- TM89
- TM90
- TM91
- TM92
- TM93
- TM94
- TM95
- TM96
- TM97
- TM98
- TM99
- Tectonic Slate
- Thick Club
- Thunder Stone
- Town Map
- Toxic Orb
- Toxic Plate
- Twisted Spoon