Ground Pokemon Spawn Locations
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Ground Pokemon locations List, here you can view areas where you can find and catch Ground-Type pokemon. You can Click/Tap any of the Pokemon Images to view Stats, Learnable Moves, Evolutions, and more in BD/SP.
How To Catch Ground Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
List of all ground Pokemon you can find and catch in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. You have Locations where you can find ground Pokemon and of which are exclusive to specific locations of the game.
Underground Pokemon Spawns
After you reach Check Points in the game progression NEW Pokemon will begin to spawn in the Grand Underground.

World Pokemon Spawns
Interact = Limited to one
Common = 20% ~ 100%
Uncommon = 5% ~ 20%
Rare = 1% ~ 5%