
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Held Item List

Where To Find Held Item List

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Held Item List, complete with where to find locations, item effects and more. Below we detail how you can obtain Held Item like Blue Scarf, Black Glasses, and Black Sludge in pokemon in BD/SP.

Pokemon BDSP How To Get Held Item

You can obtain Held Item in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Held Item such as Adamant Orb, (Raises the Steel and Dragon-type moves of Dialga) can be found at Spear Pillar (Brilliant Diamond Only). Other items similar to this type like Amulet Coin, and Big Root are found using the methods below.

Item Where To Find
Adamant Orb
Raises the Steel and Dragon-type moves of Dialga
Spear Pillar
(Brilliant Diamond Only)
Amulet Coin
Double Money is Earnt from Battles
Amity Square
Big Root
Portion of HP recovered increases when using HP-stealing moves
Route 214
Black Belt
Any Fighting-type move's power is increased by 10%
Route 221
Black Glasses
Any Dark Type Move's Power is increased by 10%
Celestic Town
Black Sludge
Gradually recovers HP of Poison type holders; lowers HP for all others
Wild Croagunk
Wild Toxicroak
Blue Scarf
When Attached, Raises Beauty Stat in Super Contests
Pastoria City
(Leading Pokémon's Beauty stat must be 200 or more)
Bright Powder
Raises Evasiveness
Battle Park (Cost: 48 Battle Points)
Any Fire-type move's power is increased by 10%
Route 227
Choice Band
Boosts Attack by x1.5, but only allows the use of one attack until the Pokémon is called back
Battle Park (Cost: 48 Battle Points)
Choice Scarf
Raises Speed by x1.5, but only allows the use of one attack until the Pokémon is called back
Battle Park (Cost: 48 Battle Poitns)
Choice Specs
Raises Sp. Attack by x1.5, but only allows the use of one attack until the Pokémon is called back
Celestic Town
(4:00am - 9:59am)
Cleanse Tag
Wild Pokémon Encounter Rate Lowers if holder is first in the party
Lost Tower
Damp Rock
Prolongs number of turns of Rain Dance
The Grand Underground
Destiny Knot
If user becomes infatuated, foe becomes infatuated as well
Route 224
Draco Plate
Raises power of Dragon moves
The Grand Underground
Using Dowsing Machine Pokétch App.
Dragon Fang
Any Dragon-type move's power is increased by 10%
Wild Bagon
Dread Plate
Raises power of Dark moves
Old Chateau
The Grand Underground
Earth Plate
Raises power of Ground moves
Oreburgh Gate
The Grand Underground
Prevents user from evolving when equipped
Snowpoint City
The Grand Underground
Wild Geodude
Wild Graveler
Exp. Share
This Pokémon gets EXP from battle even if it isnt used when equipped
Eterna City
Jubilife TV Station (ID must match with lotto numbers)
Expert Belt
Slightly raises power of Super Effective moves
Route 221
Fist Plate
Raises power of Fighting moves
Route 215
The Grand Underground
Flame Orb
Induces Burn status to holder
Battle Park (Cost: 16 Battle Points)
Flame Plate
Raises power of Fire moves
The Grand Underground
Using Dowsing Machine Pokétch App.
Focus Band
May prevent fainting by leaving the user with 1 HP from a KOing move
Battle Park (Cost: 48 Battle Points)
Focus Sash
Leaves 1 HP if hit by a KOing move when HP is full
Route 221
Battle Park (Cost: 48 Battle Points)
Full Incense
Holder always attacks last
Veilstone City
Green Scarf
When attached, raises Smart stat in Super Contests
Pastoria City
(Leading Pokémon's Smart stat must be 200 or more)
Grip Claw
Prolongs number of turns of trapping attacks
Wayward Cave
Wild Sneasel
Griseous Orb
A glowing orb held by Giratina. It boosts the power of Dragon and Ghost-type moves when it is held.
Ramanas Park
Hard Stone
Any Rock-type move's power is increased by 10%
The Grand Underground
Wild Corsola
Wild Aron
Wild Nosepass
Heat Rock
Prolongs number of turns of Sunny Day
The Grand Underground
Icicle Plate
Raises power of Ice moves
Route 217
The Grand Underground
Icy Rock
Prolongs number of turns of Hail
The Grand Underground
Insect Plate
Raises power of Bug moves
The Grand Underground
Using Dowsing Machine Pokétch App.
Iron Ball
Lowers speed of holder, also makes Flying-types and Levitate Ability using Pokémon vulnerable to Ground moves when equipped to them
Iron Island
The Grand Underground
Iron Plate
Raises power of Steel moves
The Grand Underground
Using Dowsing Machine Pokétch App.
Lagging Tail
Holder always attacks last
Route 226
Wild Lickitung
Wild Slowpoke
Lax Incense
Enemy's chance of landing a Critical Hit is lowered by 5%; attach to a female Wobbuffet and breed to get Wynaut
Route 225
HP Increases by 1/16th each turn
Victory Road
Wild Munchlax
Pickup Ability
Life Orb
Increases attack damage but decreases HP whenever you deal damage
Stark Mountain
Light Ball
Pikachu's Special Attack increases by x2
Wild Pikachu
Light Clay
Prolongs effect of Reflect and Light Screen
The Grand Underground
Mt. Coronet
Luck Incense
Doubles amount of money rewards when equipped to a Pokemon in the party
Ravaged Path
Lucky Egg
Pokémon this item is attached to gets more EXP in battle
Wild Chansey
Lucky Punch
If attached to Chansey, Critical Hit ratio rises
Wild Happiny
Lustrous Orb
Raises the Water and Dragon-type moves of Palkia
Spearl Pillar (Pearl Only)
Macho Brace
Cuts Speed in half but increases Effort Values
Pastoria City
- Show three variations of Burmy
Any Electric-type move's power is increased by 10%
Iron Island
Meadow Plate
Raises power of Grass moves
The Grand Underground
Using Dowsing Machine Pokétch App.
Mental Herb
Removes Infatuation status; can only be used once
Route 216
Metal Powder
If attached to Ditto, its Defense and Sp. Defense are raised by x2
Wild Ditto
Raises power of move if used consecutively
Veilstone Game Corner (1,000 Coins) Wild Kricketot
Wild Kricketune
Wild Chatot
Mind Plate
Raises power of Psychic moves
Solaceon Ruins
The Grand Underground
Miracle Seed
Any Grass-type move's power is increased by 10%
Floaroma Meadow
Wild Cherubi
Muscle Band
Slightly raises power of Physical moves
Battle Park (Cost: 48 Battle Points)
Mystic Water
Any Water-type move's power is increased by 10%
Pastoria City
Wild Castform
Nevermelt Ice
Any Ice-type move's power is increased by 10%
Snowpoint Temple
Wild Snover
Wild Abomasnow
Odd Incense
Raises power of Psychic attacks
Solaceon Ruins
Pink Scarf
When attached, raises Cute stat in Super Contests
Pastoria City
(Leading Pokémon's Cute stat must be 200 or more)
Poison Barb
Any Poison-type move's power is increased by 10%
Route 206
Wild Tentacool
Wild Tentacruel
Wild Roselia
Wild Budew
Wild Skorupi
Wild Drapion
Wild Qwilfish
Power Anklet
Lowers Speed, increases EV for Speed
Battle Park (Cost: 16 Battle Points)
Power Band
Lowers Speed, increases EV for Sp.Defense
Battle Park (Cost: 16 Battle Points)
Power Belt
Lowers Speed, increases EV for Defense
Battle Park (Cost: 16 Battle Points)
Power Bracer
Lowers Speed, increases EV for Attack
Battle Park (Cost: 16 Battle Points)
Power Herb
Allows user to omit first turn of charge-up required moves; can only be used once
Battle Park (Cost: 32 Battle Points)
Power Lens
Lowers Speed, increases EV for Sp.Attack
Battle Park (Cost: 16 Battle Points)
Power Weight
Lowers Speed, increases EV for HP
Battle Park (Cost: 16 Battle Points)
Pure Incense
Lowers encounter rate of wild Pokémon if equipped to first Pokémon of party
Route 221
Quick Claw
The Pokémon holding this may attack first
Jubilife City
Quick Powder
If attached to Ditto, its Speed is raised by x2
Wild Ditto
Red Scarf
When attached, raises Cool stat in Super Contests
Pastoria City
(Leading Pokémon's Cool stat must be 200 or more)
Rock Incense
Raises power of Rock attacks
Fuego Ironworks
Rose Incense
Raises power of Grass attacks
Route 212
Scope Lens
Increases chances of landing a Critical Hit
Battle Park
Sea Incense
Any Water-type move's power is increased by 5%; attach to female Marill and breed to get Azurill
Route 204
Sharp Beak
Any Flying-type move's power is increased by 10%
Wild Fearow
Wild Doduo
Shed Shell
Always allows holder to switch out
Route 228
Wild Venomoth
Wild Beautifly
Wild Dustox
Shell Bell
User restores 1/8th of maximum HP when damage is inflicted onto the opponent
Hearthome City
Shoal Salt
When equipped, the user recovers a small amount of HP every turn.
Shoal Shell
Has no effect or purpose in the Sinnoh region; useful only in the Hoenn region.
Silk Scarf
Any Normal-type move's power is increased by 10%
Veilstone Game Corner (1,000 Coins)
Silver Powder
Any Bug-type move's power is increased by 10%
Eterna Forest
Sky Plate
Raises power of Flying moves
Pokémon League The Grand Underground
Smoke Ball
You will always run from Wild Pokémon without fail
Route 210
Wild Weezing
Smooth Rock
Prolongs number of turns of Sandstorm
The Grand Underground
Soft Sand
Any Ground-type move's power is increased by 10%
Mt. Coronet
Wild Diglett
Wild Dugtrio
Wild Trapinch
Soothe Bell
Raises Happiness easier
Pokémon Mansion
Soul Dew
Raises Latios & Latias' Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense by 50%.
Spell Tag
Any Ghost-type move's power is increased by 10%
Route 217
Wild Banette
Splash Plate
Raises power of Water moves
Route 219
The Grand Underground
Spooky Plate
Raises power of Ghost moves
Amity Square The Grand Underground
If attached to Farfetch'd, Critical Hit ratio rises
Wild Farfetch'd
Sticky Barb
When equipped, the user receives damage every turn; the opponent will receive damage every turn instead if they use a physical attack
Veilstone Dept. Store (5th Floor trainer) Wild Cacnea
Wild Cacturne
Stone Plate
Raises power of Rock moves
The Grand Underground
Using Dowsing Machine Pokétch App.
Thick Club
If attached to Cubone or Marowak, their Attack rises by x2
Wild Cubone
Toxic Orb
Induces Poison status to holder
Battle Park (Cost: 16 Battle Points)
Toxic Plate
Raises power of Poison moves
Great Marsh
The Grand Underground
Twisted Spoon
Any Psychic-type move's power is increased by 10%
Wild Abra
Wild Kadabra
Wave Incense
Raises power of Water attacks
Route 210
White Herb
Cures any status effect; can only be used once
Battle Park (Cost: 32 Battle Points) Pickup Ability
Wide Lens
Slightly raises accuracy of moves
Veilstone Game Corner (1,000 Coins) Wild Yanma
Wise Glasses
Slightly raises power of special moves
Celestic Town
(8:00am - 3:59pm)
Yellow Scarf
When attached, raises Tough stat in Super Contests
Pastoria City
(Leading Pokémon's Tough stat must be 200 or more)
Zap Plate
Raises power of Electric moves
The Grand Underground
Using Dowsing Machine Pokétch App.
Zoom Lens
Accuracy increases if user is attacked by foe first in a turn
Veilstone Game Corner (1,000 Coins)