
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Secret Potion

Secret Potion

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Secret Potion Guide on where to find and how to get. Key Items such as the Secret Potion are important to gameplay and in some cases are required to progress through the game storyline in Pokemon BDSP.

Pokemon BDSP How To Get Secret Potion

Item Where To Find
Secret Potion
Used to heal Psyduck flock
Valor Lakefront

How to get the Secret Potion in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. The Secret Potion is a Key Item used in a quest to heal a group of Psyducks of their headaches.

Location: Valor Lakefront

  1. After defeating the 4th Gym, speak to the Galactic Grunt infront of the great marsh.
  2. Chase him all the way to the Valor Lakefront.
  3. Speak to Cynthia who will give you the Secret Potion.