
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Coupon 3

Coupon 3

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Coupon 3 Guide on where to find and how to get. Key Items such as the Coupon 3 are important to gameplay and in some cases are required to progress through the game storyline in Pokemon BDSP.

Pokemon BDSP How To Get Coupon 3

Item Where To Find
Coupon 3
Coupon 3 of 3 for redeeming the Pokétch
Jubilife City
Location How To Get
Jubilife CityObtained from the Clown located in front of the Jubilife TV Station after answering his question correctly

How to get Coupon 3 in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. The three Coupons are used to obtain the Poketch and are given to you after correctly answering questions.

Location: Jubilife City

  1. To begin searching for Coupons, you need to be stopped by the inventor of the Poketch found standing in the road, left of the Pokemon Center.
  2. The Clown will be infront of the Jubilife TV Station.
  3. Answer Yes to obtain Coupon 3.