
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Maylene Guide


Trainer: 4th Gym Leader
Type: Fighting
Location: Veilstone City
Rewards: Cobble Badge, can now use Fly (TM94)

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Maylene is a Gym Leader whose party consists of Fighting Pokemon. This means Maylene is weak against Flying, Psychic, Fairy Pokemon, since in battle Maylene will use Meditite(Lv.27), Machoke(Lv.27), Lucario(Lv.30), in Pokemon BDSP.

Where to find and battle the 4th Gym Leader Maylene in Pokemon BDSP

How to find and battle Maylene in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Maylene is Veilstone City's Gym Leader who uses Fighting type Pokemon, and defeating her will give you the Cobble Badge, allowing you to use Fly from the Poketch.

  1. Go into Veilstone City's gym.
  2. Once inside, go straight ahead and to the middle wall and slide it to the left.
  3. Walking back into the small area with the trainer, slide the wall to the left.
  4. Go into the open area between the small rooms to the left and slide the now accessible wall, left.
  5. Now head to the left of that wall you pushed to get into that area and slide it back to the right to make a now open path.
  6. Go back through the small middle room, go to the left, and push the wall to the left.
  7. Head back to the front and walk along the left wall- push the now accessible wall to the right.
  8. Now, go through the path you have made in the small rooms on the left side. Once here, push the wall to the right.
  9. Go to the middle of the room and push the wall next to you, to the right.
  10. Above it, push that wall to the right.
  11. Going to the small right room, push the wall to the right and go through the opening it has made.
  12. Now head back into the small room, through the opening you've made, and push the wall to the right.
  13. Follow the right wall to the back and push the wall to the left.
  14. Go through the small rooms on the right and push the wall at the end of the path to the left.
  15. Finally, go through the small rooms in the middle and challenge Maylene.

Gym Leaders can be rematched after defeating the Elite Four, Champion Cynthia, and obtaining the National Pokedex. You can also challenge the Leaders once every day; their teams will be much stronger, sporting new Pokemon and higher levels. They are also fully EV and IV trained and require a bit of a strategy to deal with.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Maylene Weakness

Maylene is a Fighting Type Trainer. This will mean Maylene's Pokemon are weak against and take More Damage from Flying, Psychic, Fairy Type Moves, and Less Damage from Rock, Bug, Dark Type moves.

Damage Types
More Damage
More Damage
Less Damage
Less Damage
Immune to Damage

Pokemon BDSP Maylene Pokemon

List of Pokemon Gym Leader Maylene will use in battle, we have included the pokemon moves, ability, and more below.

Pokemon used in the 1st battle against Maylene.
Pokemon Moves Power Acc PP Effect
Lv. 27
Ability: Pure Power
Raises the Pokémon's Attack stat.
Bulk Up
20 Raises user's Attack and Defense.
Drain Punch
100 10 User recovers half the HP inflicted on opponent.
100 20 Lowers opponent's Accuracy.
Light Screen
30 Halves damage from Special attacks for 5 turns.
Lv. 27
Ability: Guts
Guts raises the ability-bearer's Attack by 50% when inflicted by a major status ailment (poison, burn, paralysis, freeze or sleep). If burnt, the Pokémon does not suffer the usual drop in Attack.
60 100 20 Lowers opponent's Speed.
Knock Off
65 100 20 Removes opponent's held item for the rest of the battle.
Low Sweep
100 20 Lowers opponent's Speed.
Rock Tomb
60 95 15 Lowers opponent's Speed.
Lv. 30
Item: Big Root
Ability: Steadfast
Raises Speed each time the Pokémon flinches.
Bulk Up
20 Raises user's Attack and Defense.
Drain Punch
100 10 User recovers half the HP inflicted on opponent.
Metal Claw
95 35 May raise user's Attack.
85 40 Sharply lowers opponent's Defense.
Pokemon used in the 2nd (Rematch) battle against Maylene.
Pokemon Moves Power Acc PP Effect
Lv. 64
Ability: Intimidate
Intimidate lower's the Attack of all opponents by one stage when the ability-bearer switches in (including the start of a battle).
Brick Break
100 15 Breaks through Reflect and Light Screen barriers.
Close Combat
100 5 Lowers user's Defense and Special Defense.
Stone Edge
100 80 5 High critical hit ratio.
Sucker Punch
70 100 5 User attacks first, but only works if opponent is readying an attack.
Lv. 66
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Technician
Technician increases the power of moves - that are usually base power 60 or below - by 50%.
Bullet Seed
100 30 Hits 2-5 times in one turn.
Force Palm
100 10 May paralyze opponent.
Mach Punch
100 30 User attacks first.
Rock Tomb
60 95 15 Lowers opponent's Speed.
Lv. 68
Item: Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
Guts raises the ability-bearer's Attack by 50% when inflicted by a major status ailment (poison, burn, paralysis, freeze or sleep). If burnt, the Pokémon does not suffer the usual drop in Attack.
Close Combat
100 5 Lowers user's Defense and Special Defense.
70 100 20 Power doubles if user is burned, poisoned, or paralyzed.
85 10 Using its tough and impressive horn, the user rams into the target to inflict damage.
Stone Edge
100 80 5 High critical hit ratio.
Lv. 70
Ability: Blaze
Blaze increases the power of Fire-type moves by 50% (1.5x) when the ability-bearer's HP falls below a third of its maximum (known in-game as in a pinch).
55 100 15 Stronger when the user does not have a held item.
Close Combat
100 5 Lowers user's Defense and Special Defense.
Flare Blitz
100 15 User receives recoil damage. May burn opponent.
90 5 Sharply lowers user's Special Attack.
Lv. 72
Ability: Pure Power
Raises the Pokémon's Attack stat.
Fire Punch
75 100 15 May burn opponent.
High Jump Kick
90 10 If it misses, the user loses half their HP.
Thunder Punch
75 100 15 May paralyze opponent.
Zen Headbutt
90 15 May cause flinching.
Lv. 74
Ability: Justified
Justified raises the ability-bearer's Attack by one stage when hit by a damaging Dark-type move.
Aura Sphere
20 Ignores Accuracy and Evasiveness.
Flash Cannon
100 10 May lower opponent's Special Defense.
Vacuum Wave
100 30 User attacks first.
Water Pulse
60 100 20 May confuse opponent.

Below you can view all of our Guides for Pokemon BDSP Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Rival and Champion Battles.
