
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Dawn Stone

Dawn Stone

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Dawn Stone Guide on how to get and where to find. We also inlcude what pokemon evolutions are caused by the Dawn Stone Evolution Item in Pokemon BDSP.

Pokemon BDSP How To Get Dawn Stone

Item Where To Find
Dawn Stone
Evolves a male Kirlia and female Snowrunt into Gallade and Froslass
Mt. Coronet
Pickup Ability
Location How To Get
Route 212Located in the swamp, near Pastoria City (Hidden)
Route 225Found on top of a ledge at the northern end of the route (requires Rock Climb TM100)
Mt. CoronetSoutheast corner (requires Surf TM95)

Dawn Stone Location in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. The Dawn Stone is an evolutionary stone used to evolve Pokemon with a specific gender. An example of a Pokemon that evolves with this stone is a female Snorunt

Location: Mt. Coronet

  1. You will need the HM Surf in order for you to obtain this item.
  2. On the first floor of Mt. Coronet, standing next to the exit that leads to Route 208 you will see an item up on the cliff.
  3. Walk to the other side and surf across the water to obtain your Dawn Stone.

Pokemon BDSP Dawn Stone Evolutions

Ralts requires (Level 20) to evolve into Kirlia and then (Level 30) to evolve into Gardevoir or to evolve into Gallade.

Base Form Evolution Requirement First Evolution Evolution Requirement Final Evolution

Snorunt can evolve into Froslass On Female Pokémon, use Dawn Stone or Glalie (Level 42).

Base Form Evolution Requirement First Evolution