
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Parcel


Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Parcel Guide on where to find and how to get. Key Items such as the Parcel are important to gameplay and in some cases are required to progress through the game storyline in Pokemon BDSP.

Pokemon BDSP How To Get Parcel

Item Where To Find
A parcel for your rival
Twinleaf Town
Location How To Get
Twinleaf TownObtained from Barry's mother after returning from Sandgem Town

How to get the Parcel in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. The Parcel is a quest item meant for your friend which will have two Town Maps inside- one for you.

Location: Twinleaf Town

  1. Return from Sandgem Town for the first time.
  2. Speak to Barry's mother.
  3. She will ask you to bring it to your friend in Jubilife City's School.