
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Fire Stone

Fire Stone

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Fire Stone Guide on how to get and where to find. We also inlcude what pokemon evolutions are caused by the Fire Stone Evolution Item in Pokemon BDSP.

Pokemon BDSP How To Get Fire Stone

Item Where To Find
Fire Stone
A stone that can be used to evolve Growlithe, Vulpix and Eevee
Fuego Ironworks
The Grand Underground
Location How To Get
Solaceon RuinsFound on the rock in the dead-end down the first top left stairwell (Hidden)
Fuego IronworksLocated in the upper-right corner of the interior
Fuego IronworksReceived from Mr. Fuego upon talking to him for the first time
Stark MountainFound on a large boulder in the northwest corner of the room (requires Rock Smash TM98) (Hidden)

Fire Stone Locations in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. The Fire Stone is an evolutionary Stone used to evolve certain Pokemon. An example of a Pokemon that evolves using this stone is, Vulpix.

Location: Fuego Ironworks

  1. Make sure you have the HM Surf.
  2. Follow the river upstream from Route 205 until you reach the building.
  3. Once inside, make your way to the Northeast of the building. The Fire Stone will be sitting on the ground.

Location 2: Fuego Ironworks

  1. Make sure you have the HM Surf.
  2. Follow the river upstream from Route 205 until you reach the building.
  3. Once inside, make your way near to the center of the floor to a man wearing a purple jacket.
  4. This is Fuego, speak to him to be given a Fire Stone.

Location 3: The Underground

  1. Obtain the Explorer's Kit.
  2. Dig underground.
  3. Excavate until you find a Fire Stone in one of the walls.
Note: Finding any Stone in the Underground is very rare and will take some time.

Pokemon BDSP Fire Stone Evolutions

Vulpix requires (use Fire Stone) to evolve into Ninetales.

Base Form Evolution Requirement First Evolution

Growlithe requires (use Fire Stone) to evolve into Arcanine.

Base Form Evolution Requirement First Evolution

Eevee can trigger different evolutions depending on the evolution method used, such as using a Water Stone for Vaporeon, Thunder Stone for Jolteon, and a Fire Stone for Flareon.

Base Form Evolution Requirement First Evolution
Water Stone
Thunder Stone
Fire Stone
Level Up with Happiness Value at 220 During the Day
Level Up with Happiness Value at 220 During the Night
Level up near a rock in Eterna forest
Level up near a rock in Snowpoint City