
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Storage Key

Storage Key

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Storage Key Guide on where to find and how to get. Key Items such as the Storage Key are important to gameplay and in some cases are required to progress through the game storyline in Pokemon BDSP.

Pokemon BDSP How To Get Storage Key

Item Where To Find
Storage Key
Opens the door to Team Galactic Warehouse
Veilstone City
Location How To Get
Veilstone CityDropped by a Team Galactic Grunt in front of the Galactic Veilstone Building after encountering Jupiter at Lake Acuity

How to get the Storage Key in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. The Storage Key is used to open the door inside the Galactic Warehouse.

Location: Veilstone City

  1. Head northeast in the town where Galactic HQ is located.
  2. There will be a Galactic Grunt in front of the building.
  3. Speaking to him will cause him to run away after talking to you.
  4. He will have left behind the Storage key which you will be able to pick up.