Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl has in-game tradeable Pokemon, traded to you by NPC trainers. Below is the list of what Pokemon you get from NPC trainers alongside what Pokemon they ask for in turn. Every one of these Pokemon comes with an held item and their own nickname.
List of Pokemon Trades
There are benefits to trading your Pokemon for one of these on the list, these benefits include but are not limited to; higher EXP gain on said Pokemon. The traded Pokemon will have a different ID which can be used in the lottery found in Jubilife City.
TIER | Pokemon | Type | Total | HP | ATK | SP.ATK | DEF | SP.DEF | SPD |
F |
![]() Abra
![]() | 310 | 25 | 20 | 105 | 15 | 55 | 90 |
Machop for Abra "Kazza" (Oran Berry)
Location: Oreburgh City

- If you do not already have a Machop, the best place to find one is Route 207.
- Go to Oreburgh City.
- Head inside the apartment building next to the Pokemart.
- Speak to the young lady named 'Hilary' in the center of the room. She will want to trade your Machop for her Abra. Abra will be holding an Oran Berry when traded to you.
TIER | Pokemon | Type | Total | HP | ATK | SP.ATK | DEF | SP.DEF | SPD |
D |
![]() Chatot
![]() ![]() | 411 | 76 | 65 | 92 | 45 | 42 | 91 |
Buizel for Chatot "Charap" (Leppa Berry)
Location: Eterna Condominiums in Eterna City

- If you do not already have a Buizel, a great place to find one is Route 205.
- Go to Eterna City.
- Go inside the apartment building next to the Pokemart.
- Speak to the young boy named 'Norton' off to the side of the room. He will want to trade your Buizel for his Chatot. Chatot will be holding an Leppa Berry when traded to you.
TIER | Pokemon | Type | Total | HP | ATK | SP.ATK | DEF | SP.DEF | SPD |
D |
![]() Haunter
![]() ![]() | 405 | 45 | 50 | 115 | 45 | 55 | 95 |
Medicham for Haunter "Gaspar" (Everstone)
Location: Snowpoint City in a house located North West in town.

- If you do not already have a Medicham, Acuity Lakefront is a good place to start searching.
- Head to Snowpoint City.
- Go to the North West part of town and go inside the house.
- Talk to the woman named 'Mindy' in the center of the room. She will want to trade your Medicham for her Haunter. Haunter will be holding an Everstone when traded to you.
TIER | Pokemon | Type | Total | HP | ATK | SP.ATK | DEF | SP.DEF | SPD |
F |
![]() Magikarp
![]() | 200 | 20 | 10 | 15 | 55 | 20 | 80 |
Finneon for Magikarp "Foppa" (Lum Berry)
Location: Route 226 on a small Island in a house.

- If you do not already have a Finneon, Canalave City is an easy place to find one.
- Go to Route 226.
- Surf in the water towards the small island in the center and go in the house.
- Talk to the man named 'Meister' in the house. he will want to trade your Finneon for his Magikarp. Magikarp will be holding a Lum Berry when traded to you. This Magikarp is a German Magikarp, which will give you the German Pokedex entry.