
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Leaf Stone

Leaf Stone

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Leaf Stone Guide on how to get and where to find. We also inlcude what pokemon evolutions are caused by the Leaf Stone Evolution Item in Pokemon BDSP.

Pokemon BDSP How To Get Leaf Stone

Item Where To Find
Leaf Stone
A stone that can be used to evolve Gloom, Weepinbell, Exeggcute, and Nuzleaf
Floaroma Meadow
The Grand Underground
Location How To Get
Route 225Located in the grass south of the house (Hidden)
Floaroma MeadowSouth of the entrance from Fuego Ironworks
Great MarshFound near the center, in the middle of the large area of mud (Hidden)

Leaf Stone Locations in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. The Leaf Stone is an evolutionary Stone used to evolve certain Pokemon. An example of a Pokemon that evolves using this stone is, Gloom.

Location: Floaroma Meadow

  1. Make sure you have the HM Surf.
  2. Follow the river upstream from Route 205 until you reach the entrance to the meadow.
  3. Once inside, head south. The Leaf Stone will be on the ground.

Location 2: The Underground

  1. Obtain the Explorer's Kit.
  2. Dig underground.
  3. Excavate until you find a Leaf Stone in one of the walls.
Note: Finding any Stone in the Underground is very rare and will take some time.

Pokemon BDSP Leaf Stone Evolutions

Oddish requires (Level 21) to evolve into Gloom and then (Leaf Stone) to evolve into Vileplume or to evolve into Bellossom.

Base Form Evolution Requirement First Evolution Evolution Requirement Final Evolution

Bellsprout requires (Level 21) to evolve into Weepinbell and then (use Leaf Stone) to evolve into Victreebel.

Base Form Evolution Requirement First Evolution Evolution Requirement Final Evolution

Exeggcute requires (use Leaf Stone) to evolve into Exeggutor.

Base Form Evolution Requirement First Evolution

Seedot requires (Level 14) to evolve into Nuzleaf and then (use Leaf Stone) to evolve into Shiftry.

Base Form Evolution Requirement First Evolution Evolution Requirement Final Evolution