How To Get Melted Heart of Selig

The Melted Heart of Selig Unique Amulet will only drop from Level 85+ Monsters.

You can further increase your chances of the Melted Heart of Selig Drop by slaying in Nightmare Dungeons. Since these monster types have a higher drop rate of Unique Amulet Equipment.

Best Malignant Hearts To Use With Melted Heart of Selig

The best malignant heart to use with Melted Heart of Selig is Caged Heart of The Dark Dance, which is a Vicious Type Socket.

Best Unique Weapons and Armor To Use with Melted Heart of Selig

The best unique equipment to use with Melted Heart of Selig in D4 is Hunter's Zenith, which is a Unique Ring.

Mother's Embrace
AllUnique Ring
Average Synergy
  • Fire Resistance
  • Cold Resistance
  • Critical Strike Chance
  • Critical Strike Damage
  • Overpower Damage
  • Core Skill Damage
If a Core Skill hits 5 or more enemies, [20 - 40%] of the Resource is refunded.
AllUnique Pants
Average Synergy
  • Your Potion Also Briefly Grants Movement Speed
  • Potion Charges
  • Potion Drop Rate
  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Heal
  • Healing
  • Max Life
Effects that Heal you beyond 100% Life grant you a Barrier up to [X%] of your Maximum Life that lasts for 30 seconds.
Blood Artisan's Cuirass
NecromancerUnique Chest Armor
Average Synergy
  • Damage for X Seconds After Picking Up a Blood Orb (?)
  • Blood Orb Healing
  • Armor
  • Ranks to Bone Spirit
When you pick up [10 - 5] Blood Orbs, a free Bone Spirit is spawned, dealing bonus damage based on your current Life percent.
Hunter's Zenith
DruidUnique Ring
Average Synergy
  • Lightning Resistance
  • Poison Resistance
  • Damage while Shapeshifted
  • Critical Strike Damage While in Werewolf Form
  • Overpower Damage While in Werebear Form
  • Ranks to Quickshift
Gain a bonus when you kill with Shapeshifting Skill: Werewolf: Your next Non-Ultimate Werebear Skill costs no Resource and has no Cooldown. Werebear: Your next Werewolf Skill will Heal you for [X] when damage is first dealt.
Ring of Starless Skies
AllUnique Ring
Average Synergy
  • Lightning Resistance
  • Shadow Resistance
  • All Stats
  • Lucky Hit Chance
  • Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
  • Core Skill Damage
Each consecutive Core Skill cast reduces the Resource cost of your next Core Skill by [5 - 10%] up to a maximum of 30% .

Best Aspects To Use with Melted Heart of Selig Unique Amulet

Starlight Aspect
Good Synergy
Gain [10-20] of your Primary Resource for every 25% of your Life that you Heal.
Edgemaster's Aspect
Average Synergy
Skills deal up to [10-20%] increased damage based on your available Primary Resource when cast, receiving the maximum benefit while you have full Primary Resource.
Aspect of Shielding Storm
Average Synergy
Each time that Bone Storm damages an enemy, gain a Barrier equal to [2-5%] of your Base Life for 10 seconds.
Aspect of the Umbral
Average Synergy
Restore [1-4] of your Primary Resource when you Crowd Control an enemy.
Dire Wolf's Aspect
Average Synergy
Grizzly Rage now Shapeshifts you into a Dire Werewolf. As a Dire Werewolf you gain [15-25%] Movement Speed instead of Damage Reduction and [30-50%] Spirit cost reduction bonus. In addition, kills Heal you for 10% of your Maximum Life.
Aspect of Engulfing Flames
Average Synergy
While enemies are affected by more Damage Over Time than their total Life, you deal [60-80%] increased Burning damage to them.
Aspect of Potent Blood
Average Synergy
While at full Life, Blood Orbs grant [10-20] Essence.
Aspect of Stolen Vigor
Average Synergy
Each stack of the Momentum Key Passive Heals you for [.04-.08] Life per second.
Aspect of Untimely Death
Average Synergy
Each percent of your Maximum Life you Heal beyond 100% grants you 0.5% bonus Overpower damage on your next Overpowering attack, up to a [20.0-60.0%] bonus.
Skinwalker's Aspect
Average Synergy
When you use a Shapeshifting Skill that changes your form, gain [.07-.12] Life. If you are at full Life, gain the same amount as Fortify.
Aspect of Cruel Sustenance
Average Synergy
Explosions from the Victimize Key Passive Heal you for [X] Life for each enemy damaged, up to a maximum of [X] Life.
Aspect of Lethal Dusk
Average Synergy
Evading through an enemy infected by your Shadow Imbuement grants Stealth for 4 seconds. Breaking Stealth with an attack grants you [1-5%] Maximum Life on Kill for 6 seconds.
Aspect of the Crowded Sage
Average Synergy
You Heal for [X] Life per second for each Close enemy, up to [X] Life per second.
Assimilation Aspect
Average Synergy
You have 8% increased Dodge Chance versus enemies affected by Damage Over Time effects. When you Dodge, you gain [5-10] of your Primary Resource.
Encased Aspect
Average Synergy
While Deep Freeze is active, you restore [20-30%] of your Maximum Life and Mana per second.

Best Paragons To Use with Melted Heart of Selig

The best paragon to use with Melted Heart of Selig in D4 is Bone Breaker, which is a Legendary Board Node.

BarbarianLegendary Board
Average Synergy
  • For every 75 Fury you spend, gain 20% of your Maximum Life as Fortify.
Bone Breaker
BarbarianLegendary Board
Average Synergy
  • Overpowers with your Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapon Stun enemies for 4 seconds and grant you 25% of your Maximum Life as Fortify.
SorceressLegendary Board
Average Synergy
  • Killing a Frozen enemy grants you 15% of your Maximum Life as a Barrier for 5 seconds.
Survival Instincts
DruidLegendary Board
Average Synergy
  • While in Werebear form, you deal 1% increased damage, up to 50%, for every 1% difference in current Life percent between you and the enemy.
Hulking Monstrosity
NecromancerLegendary Board
Average Synergy
  • Your Golem has 30% increased Maximum Life and deals 40% increased damage.
DruidRare Glyph
Average Synergy
  • Description:
    Grants +25 - 125% (5% Per Level) bonus to all Rare nodes within range.
  • Radius Bonus:
    You have a 30% chance when Shapeshifting to gain a Barrier that absorbs 5% of your Maximum Life in damage for 4 seconds.
  • Radius Requirement:
    25 Dexterity
NecromancerRare Glyph
Average Synergy
  • Description:
    Grants +30 - 150% (6% Per Level) bonus to all Magic nodes within range.
  • Radius Bonus:
    Blood Orbs Fortify you for 6.7% of your Maximum Life.
  • Radius Requirement:
    40 Intelligence
NecromancerRare Glyph
Average Synergy
  • Description:
    For every 5 Willpower purchased within range, Golems gain +4 - 20% (0.8% Per Level) increased damage.
  • Radius Bonus:
    Golems gain x25% increased Maximum Life.
  • Radius Requirement:
    25 Willpower

Best Skills To Use with Melted Heart of Selig

The strongest skill synergy with the Melted Heart of Selig Unique Amulet in D4 are Blood Mist, and there is also a strong passive synergy with Bonded in Essence.

Earthen Bulwark
Druid Defensive Active
Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
Cooldown: 16
Average Synergy
Rock's surround you for 3 seconds, granting a Barrier that absorbs {45% / 50% / 54% / 58% / 63%} of your Base Life in damage.
Earthen Bulwark makes you Unstoppable while active.
Rock shrapnel flies outward when Earthen Bulwark is destroyed or expires, dealing [X] damage to surrounding enemies. This damage is increased by Barrier bonuses.
Casting Earthen Bulwark grants 18% Base Life as Fortify.
Rallying Cry
Barbarian Defensive Active
Cooldown: 25
Average Synergy
Bellow a rallying cry, increasing your Movement Speed by +30% and Resource Generation by x {40% / 44% / 48% / 52% / 56%} for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds.
Rallying Cry grants you Unstoppable while active.
Rallying Cry grants you 10% Base Life as Fortify. While Rallying Cry is active, you gain an additional 2% Base Life as Fortify each time you take or deal direct damage.
Rallying Cry generates 20 Fury and grants you an additional x20% Resource Generation.
Blood Mist
Necromancer Macabre Active
Lucky Hit Chance: 9%
Cooldown: {24.0 / 23.1 / 22.2 / 21.5 / 20.8}
Average Synergy
Disperse into a bloody mist, becoming Immune for 3 seconds. Your Movement Speed is reduced by 20% and you periodically deal 2% damage to enemies and Heal for {0.5% / 0.5% / 0.6% / 0.6% / 0.7%} of your Maximum Life.
Casting a Skill that Overpowers reduces the cooldown of Blood Mist by 2 seconds.
Blood Mist Fortifies you for 0.5% Base Life each time it hits an enemy.
Blood Mist leaves behind a Corpse every 1 second.
Iron Skin
Barbarian Defensive Active
Cooldown: 14
Average Synergy
Steel yourself, gaining a Barrier that absorbs {50% / 55% / 60% / 65% / 70%} of your missing Life for 5 seconds.
Iron Skin Barrier absorbs 20% more of your Maximum Life.
Iron Skin also grants 15% Base Life as Fortify. Double this amount if cast while below 50% Life.
While Iron Skin is active, Heal for 10% of the Barrier's original amount as Life per second.
Ice Armor
Sorceress Defensive Active
Cooldown: 20
Average Synergy
A Barrier of ice forms around you for 6 seconds, absorbing {30% / 33% / 36% / 39% / 42%} of your Base Life in damage. While Ice Armor is active, 5% of your damage dealt is added to its Barrier.
While Ice Armor is active, your Mana Regeneration is increased by 25%.
Damage against Vulnerable enemies contributes 50% more to Ice Armor's Barrier.
Enemies that hit you while Ice Armor is active have a 15% chance to become Frozen for 3 seconds.
Enchantment Effect:
Upon getting hit, you have a 5% chance apply Ice Armor.
Blood Howl
Druid Defensive Active
Cooldown: 15
Average Synergy
Shapeshift into a Werewolf and howl furiously, Healing you for {20% / 21.8% / 23.5% / 25.2% / 26.8%} of your Maximum Life.
Kills reduce the Cooldown of Blood Howl by 1 second.
Blood Howl also generates 20 Spirit.
Blood Howl also increases your Attack Speed by +15% for 4 seconds.
Bone Prison
Necromancer Macabre Active
Cooldown: {18.0 / 17.0 / 16.0 / 15.0 / 14.0}
Average Synergy
Unearth a prison of bone with X Life that surrounds the target area for 6 seconds.
If an enemy is trapped by Bone Prison, gain 25 Essence, plus an additional 5 per enemy trapped.
Fortify for 8% Base Life for each enemy trapped by Bone Prison.
Enemies inside of Bone Prison are Vulnerable.
Esu's Ferocity
Sorceress Key Passive Passive
Average Synergy
Your Fire Critical Strike Damage is increased by 25% against enemies above 50% Life. Your Fire Critical Strike Chance is increased by +5% against enemies below 50% Life.
Killing an enemy with a Critical Strike grants both bonuses against all enemies for 3 seconds. Both bonuses are also granted for 3 seconds when hitting a Boss with a Critical Strike.
Sorceress Conjuration Passive
Average Synergy
Using a Cooldown grants {10% / 20% / 30%} of your Maximum Life as a Barrier for 3 seconds.
Ursine Strength
Druid Key Passive Passive
Average Synergy
Gain x20% additional Maximum Life while in Werebear form and for 3 seconds after leaving Werebear form.
While Healthy, deal x30% increased damage.
Bonded in Essence
Necromancer Ultimate Passive
Average Synergy
Every 5 seconds, your Skeletal Priest's Healing will Heal your Skeletons for an additional {20% / 40% / 60%} of their Maximum Life.
Barbarian Weapon Mastery Passive
Average Synergy
While you have Fortify for over 50% of your Maximum Life, you deal x {4% / 8% / 12%} increased damage.
Death's Defense
Necromancer Ultimate Passive
Average Synergy
Your Minions cannot lose more than {65% / 45% / 30%} of their Maximum Life from a single damage instance.
Drain Vitality
Necromancer Summoning Passive
Average Synergy
Lucky Hit: Hitting enemies with Blood Skills has up to a 30% chance to Fortify you for {2% / 5% / 8%} Base Life.
Imposing Presence
Barbarian Defensive Passive
Average Synergy
Gain x {5% / 10% / 15%} additional Maximum Life.
Invigorating Fury
Barbarian Ultimate Passive
Average Synergy
Heal for {3% / 6% / 9%} of your Maximum Life for each 100 Fury spent.
Necrotic Carapace
Necromancer Summoning Passive
Average Synergy
When a Corpse is formed from your Skills or your Minions, Fortify for {2% / 4% / 6%} Base Life.
Siphoning Strikes
Rogue Core Passive
Average Synergy
Heal for {1% / 2% / 3%} of your Maximum Life when you Critically Strike Close enemies (requires a Lucky Hit chance of 85%).
Thick Skin
Barbarian Weapon Mastery Passive
Average Synergy
Each time you take direct damage gain {0.4% / 0.8% / 1.2%} Base Life as Fortify.
Sorceress Ultimate Passive
Average Synergy
Every 1 second, you Heal for {0.3% / 0.6% / 0.9%} of your Maximum Life for each Nearby Burning enemy. Healing increased to {0.6% / 1.2% / 1.8%} from Bosses.
Circle of Life
Druid Ultimate Passive
Average Synergy
Nature Magic Skills that consume Spirit Heal you for {1% / 2% / 3%} of your Maximum Life.
Raid Leader
Barbarian Brawling Passive
Average Synergy
Your Shouts also Heal allies for {1% / 2% / 3%} of their Maximum Life per second.
Rathma's Vigor
Necromancer Key Passive Passive
Average Synergy
Increase your Maximum Life by 10%. After being Healthy for 12 seconds, your next Blood Skill Overpowers.
Druid Wrath Passive
Average Synergy
Critical Strikes with Earth Skills Fortify you for {2% / 4% / 7%} Base Life.
Stone Guard
Druid Wrath Passive
Average Synergy
While you have Fortify for over 50% of your Maximum Life, your Earth Skills deal x {4% / 8% / 12%} increased damage.
Golem Mastery
Necromancer Ultimate Passive
Average Synergy
Increase the damage and Life of your Golem by {25% / 50% / 75%} .
Gruesome Mending
Necromancer Summoning Passive
Average Synergy
While below 50% Life, you receive {10% / 20% / 30%} more Healing from all sources.
Nature's Resolve
Druid Ultimate Passive
Average Synergy
{5% / 10% / 15%} chance when struck to Fortify you for 4% Base Life.
Barbarian Defensive Passive
Average Synergy
Gain X Thorns. Also gain 10 Thorns for each 50 bonus Maximum Life you have.
Skeletal Mage Mastery
Necromancer Curse Passive
Average Synergy
Increase the damage and Life of your Skeletal Mages by {20% / 40% / 60%} .
Skeletal Warrior Mastery
Necromancer Macabre Passive
Average Synergy
Increase the damage and Life of your Skeletal Warriors by {15% / 30% / 45%} .
Thick Hide
Druid Ultimate Passive
Average Synergy
Whenever you are Stunned, Immobilized, or Knocked Down, Fortify for {6% / 13% / 20%} Base Life.
Druid Ultimate Passive
Average Synergy
Reduce the duration of Control Impairing Effects by {3% / 6% / 9%} . Triple this effect while you have Fortify for over 50% of your Maximum Life.
Natural Fortitude
Druid Ultimate Passive
Average Synergy
Shapeshifting Fortifies you for {1% / 3% / 5%} Base Life.
Mending Obscurity
Rogue Subterfuge Passive
Average Synergy
While Stealthed, you Heal for {4% / 8% / 12%} Maximum Life per second.