How To Get Audacity Aspect

The Audacity Aspect is not a Codex which means you will have to find it and extract it from Legendary Equipment that will randomly drop from enemies. The Audacity Aspect has a chance to appear on the following equipment slots:

Amulet (+50%)

You can boost your chances of acquiring the Audacity Aspect by target farming monsters known to have a higher drop rate for the type of equipment where this aspect is typically found on. The following monster have a higher chance to drop equipment that can be found with the Audacity Aspect:

Best Unique Weapons and Armor To Use with Audacity Aspect

The best unique equipment to use with Audacity Aspect in D4 is Raiment of the Infinite, which is a Unique Chest Armor.

Best Aspects To Use with Audacity Aspect

The best aspects to use with Audacity Aspect in D4 is Aspect of Control, which is a Offensive Aspect and can only be used on Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%) Equipment Slots.

Aspect of Control
Average Synergy
You deal [25-35%] more damage to Immobilized, Stunned, or Frozen enemies.
Aspect of Retribution
Average Synergy
Distant enemies have a 8% chance to be Stunned for 2 seconds when they hit you. You deal [20-40%] increased damage to Stunned enemies.
Aspect of Surprise
Average Synergy
When you Evade or Shadow Step, you leave behind a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades that deal [X] total Physical damage and Stun enemies for 2 seconds.
Weapon Master's Aspect
Average Synergy
Your Weapon Mastery Skills have an additional Charge. Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Weapon Mastery Skill has up to a [37-55%] chance to Stun them for 2 seconds.
Aspect of Anemia
Average Synergy
Lucky Hit: Direct damage against Bleeding enemies has up to a [20-30%] chance to Stun them for 2 seconds.
Skullbreaker's Aspect
Average Synergy
Stunning a Bleeding enemy deals [22-40%] of their total Bleeding amount to them as Physical damage.
Opportunist's Aspect
Average Synergy
When you break Stealth with an attack, you drop a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades around your location that deal [X] Physical damage and Stun enemies for 0.50 seconds.
Torturous Aspect
Average Synergy
Enemies afflicted by your Iron Maiden have a [15-25%] chance to be Stunned for 1 second when they deal direct damage.
Trickster's Aspect
Average Synergy
Caltrops also throw a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades that deal [X] total Physical damage and Stun enemies for 0.5 seconds.

Best Paragons To Use With Audacity Aspect

The best paragon to use with Audacity Aspect in D4 is Static Surge, which is a Legendary Board Node.

Static Surge
SorceressLegendary Board
Good Synergy
  • Stunning Close Enemies restores 10 Mana.
Bone Breaker
BarbarianLegendary Board
Average Synergy
  • Overpowers with your Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapon Stun enemies for 4 seconds and grant you 25% of your Maximum Life as Fortify.
SorceressRare Glyph
Average Synergy
  • Description:
    Paragon nodes within range gain +15 - 75% (3% Per Level) bonus to their Lightning damage and Damage Reduction modifiers.
  • Radius Bonus:
    Your Lightning damage has a +5% increased chance to Critically Strike enemies who are Stunned, Immobilized, or Frozen.
  • Radius Requirement:
    25 Dexterity
Fang and Claw
DruidRare Glyph
Average Synergy
  • Description:
    Grants +30 - 150% (6% Per Level) bonus to all Magic nodes within range.
  • Radius Bonus:
    While in Werewolf or Werebear form, Close Enemies take x12% increased damage from you.
  • Radius Requirement:
    40 Willpower
RogueRare Glyph
Average Synergy
  • Description:
    For every 5 Strength purchased within range, you deal +2 - 10% (0.4% Per Level) increased damage to Close targets.
  • Radius Bonus:
    You gain 10% Damage Reduction against Close Enemies.
  • Radius Requirement:
    25 Strength
Control (Necromancer)
NecromancerRare Glyph
Average Synergy
  • Description:
    For every 5 Intelligence purchased within range, you deal +3 - 15% (0.6% Per Level) increased damage to Crowd Controlled targets.
  • Radius Bonus:
    You and your Minions deal x10% increased damage to Slowed or Chilled enemies or, instead, x20% increased damage to Stunned or Frozen enemies.
  • Radius Requirement:
    40 Intelligence
Control (Rogue)
RogueRare Glyph
Average Synergy
  • Description:
    For every 5 Intelligence purchased within range, you deal +3 - 15% (0.6% Per Level) increased damage to Crowd Controlled targets.
  • Radius Bonus:
    You deal x10% increased damage to Slowed or Chilled enemies or, instead, x20% increased damage to Stunned or Frozen enemies.
  • Radius Requirement:
    25 Intelligence
Control (Sorceress)
SorceressRare Glyph
Average Synergy
  • Description:
    For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal +3 - 15% (0.6% Per Level) increased damage to Crowd Controlled targets.
  • Radius Bonus:
    You deal x10% increased damage to Slowed or Chilled enemies or, instead, x20% increased damage to Stunned or Frozen enemies.
  • Radius Requirement:
    25 Dexterity
Territorial (Barbarian)
BarbarianRare Glyph
Average Synergy
  • Description:
    For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal +2 - 10% (0.4% Per Level) increased damage to Close targets.
  • Radius Bonus:
    You gain 10% Damage Reduction against Close Enemies.
  • Radius Requirement:
    25 Dexterity
Territorial (Druid)
DruidRare Glyph
Average Synergy
  • Description:
    For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal +2 - 10% (0.4% Per Level) increased damage to Close targets.
  • Radius Bonus:
    You gain 10% Damage Reduction against Close Enemies.
  • Radius Requirement:
    25 Dexterity
Territorial (Necromancer)
NecromancerRare Glyph
Average Synergy
  • Description:
    For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal +2 - 10% (0.4% Per Level) increased damage to Close targets.
  • Radius Bonus:
    You gain 10% Damage Reduction against Close Enemies.
  • Radius Requirement:
    25 Dexterity
Territorial (Sorceress)
SorceressRare Glyph
Average Synergy
  • Description:
    For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal +2 - 10% (0.4% Per Level) increased damage to Close targets.
  • Radius Bonus:
    You gain 15% Damage Reduction against Close Enemies.
  • Radius Requirement:
    25 Dexterity

Best Skills To Use with Audacity Aspect

Corpse Tendrils
Necromancer Summoning Active
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Cooldown: {11.0 / 10.5 / 9.9 / 9.4 / 8.8}
Average Synergy
Veins burst out of a Corpse, Pulling in enemies, Stunning them for 3 seconds, and dealing {20% / 22% / 24% / 26% / 28%} damage to them. Does not consume the Corpse.
Enemies who are in range of Corpse Tendrils are Slowed by 50% before being Pulled.
Corpse Tendrils has a 35% chance to drop a Blood Orb when damaging enemies.
Enemies damaged by Corpse Tendrils are made Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
Druid Wrath Active
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Cooldown: 14
Average Synergy
Shapeshift into a Werebear, become Unstoppable, and charge forward, dealing {75% / 83% / 90% / 98% / 105%} damage and Knocking Back enemies.
Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain take an additional {45% / 50% / 54% / 58% / 63%} damage and are Stunned for 3 seconds.
Trample deals 150% bonus damage. This bonus is reduced by 50% for each enemy hit after the first.
Casting Trample grants 20% Base Life as Fortify.
Casting Trample grants 40 Spirit.
Arc Lash
Sorceress Basic Active
Lucky Hit Chance: 14%
Average Synergy
Unleash arcing lightning that deals {42% / 46% / 50% / 55% / 59%} damage to enemies in front of you. Every 10 times Arc Lash swipes, it Stuns all enemies hit for 2 seconds.
If Arc Lash's initial swipe Critically Strikes, it swipes an additional time.
Gain +6% Movement Speed for 5 seconds per enemy hit with Arc Lash, up to +18%.
Hitting a Stunned enemy with Arc Lash reduces your Cooldowns by 0.15 seconds.
Enchantment Effect:
When you use a Cooldown, enemies around you are Stunned for {0.5 / 0.6 / 0.6 / 0.7 / 0.7} seconds.
Ground Stomp
Barbarian Defensive Active
Lucky Hit Chance: 33%
Cooldown: {16.0 / 15.0 / 14.4 / 13.6 / 12.0}
Average Synergy
Smash the ground, dealing {10% / 10% / 11% / 12% / 13%} damage and Stunning surrounding enemies for 3 seconds.
Increase Ground Stomp's duration by 1 second.
Reduce the Cooldown of your Ultimate Skill by 1 second for each enemy damaged by Ground Stomp.
Ground Stomp generates 40 Fury.
Druid Ultimate Active
Cooldown: 50
Average Synergy
Encase all Nearby enemies in stone, Stunning them for 3 seconds. You deal x30% increased Critical Strike Damage to enemies affected by Petrify.
Against Bosses, the Critical Strike Damage bonus is increased to x50% and its duration is increased to 6 seconds.
Petrify's effect durations are increased by 1 second.
Killing an enemy affected by Petrify grants 25 Spirit.
Barbarian Basic Active
Fury Generate: 13
Lucky Hit Chance: 50%
Requires Bludgeoning Weapon
Average Synergy
Bash the enemy with your weapon, dealing {30% / 33% / 36% / 39% / 42%} damage. After bashing enemies 4 times, your next Bash will Stun for 1.25 seconds, this increases to 2 seconds if using a Two-Handed weapon.
Damaging a Stunned enemy with Bash grants you 20% Base Life as Fortify (150% to Bosses). Double this amount when using a Two-Handed weapon.
Damaging a Stunned enemy with Bash generates an additional 3 Fury, or 4 Fury if using a Two-Handed weapon.
After Critically Striking 4 times with Bash using a Two-Handed weapon, your next Core or Weapon Mastery Skill will Overpower.
Barbarian Brawling Active
Charge: 2
Charge Cooldown: {13.0 / 12.0 / 11.0 / 10.0 / 9.0}
Lucky Hit Chance: 40%
Cooldown: 17 seconds
Average Synergy
Throw a powerful kick that deals 18% damage and Knocks Back enemies in front of you. Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain take an additional 70% damage and are Stunned for 3 seconds.
Damaging enemies with Kick makes them Vulnerable for 4 seconds.
Kicked enemies deal 54% damage to enemies they collide with while being Knocked Back. Enemies damaged this way are Knocked Down for 2 seconds.
If Kick damages an enemy, it consumes all of your Fury and deals an additional 20% damage per 10 Fury spent. Kick no longer Knocks Back enemies.
Death's Embrace
Necromancer Curse Passive
Average Synergy
Close enemies take {2% / 4% / 6%} more damage from you and deal {3% / 6% / 9%} less damage to you.
Pit Fighter
Barbarian Weapon Mastery Passive
Average Synergy
You deal x {3% / 6% / 9%} increased damage to Close enemies and gain {2% / 4% / 6%} Distant Damage Reduction.
Predatory Instinct
Druid Core Passive
Average Synergy
Critical Strike Chance against Close enemies is increased by + {2% / 4% / 6%} .
Sorceress Ultimate Passive
Average Synergy
Lucky Hit: Shock Skills have up to a {3% / 6% / 9%} chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds.
Crippling Darkness
Necromancer Summoning Passive
Average Synergy
Lucky Hit: Darkness Skills have up to a 15% chance to Stun for {1.0 / 2.0 / 3.0} seconds.
Crushing Earth
Druid Wrath Passive
Average Synergy
Earth Skills deal x {5% / 10% / 15%} increased damage to Slowed, Stunned, Immobilized or Knocked Back enemies.
No Mercy
Barbarian Weapon Mastery Passive
Average Synergy
You have + {3% / 6% / 9%} increased Critical Strike Chance against Immobilized, Stunned, or Slowed enemies.
Shadow Crash
Rogue Imbuements Passive
Average Synergy
Lucky Hit: Shadow damage has up to a 10% chance to Stun for {0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5} seconds.
Siphoning Strikes
Rogue Core Passive
Average Synergy
Heal for {1% / 2% / 3%} of your Maximum Life when you Critically Strike Close enemies (requires a Lucky Hit chance of 85%).
Vyr's Mastery
Sorceress Key Passive Passive
Average Synergy
Close enemies take x15% increased damage from your Shock Skills and deal 20% less damage to you. Critical Strikes increase these bonuses by 25% for 3 seconds.
Rogue Key Passive Passive
Average Synergy
Lucky Hit: Dealing direct damage to an enemy affected by a Trap Skill has up to a 25% chance to Reduce the active Cooldowns of your Trap Skills by 20%, and Drop a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades that deal 12 total Physical damage and Stun enemies for 0.50 seconds.
Bad Omen
Druid Wrath Passive
Average Synergy
Lucky Hit: Up to a {10% / 20% / 30%} chance when dealing damage to a Vulnerable, Immobilized or Stunned enemy that a Lightning Bolt also hits dealing 55% damage.
Barbarian Ultimate Passive
Average Synergy
Lucky Hit: Skills using Bludgeoning weapons have up to a {10% / 20% / 30%} chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds, or up to a {15% / 30% / 45%} chance when using a Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon.
Natural Disaster
Druid Ultimate Passive
Average Synergy
Your Earth Skills deal x {4% / 8% / 12%} increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.
Your Storm Skills deal x {4% / 8% / 12%} increased damage to enemies that are Stunned, Immobilized, or Knocked Back.
Nature's Reach
Druid Companion Passive
Average Synergy
Deal x {3% / 6% / 9%} increased damage to Distant enemies. Double this bonus if they are also Slowed, Stunned, Immobilized, or Knocked Back.
Shocking Impact
Sorceress Mastery Passive
Average Synergy
Every time you Stun an enemy, you deal {15% / 30% / 45%} Lightning damage to them.
Necromancer Summoning Passive
Average Synergy
Darkness Skills deal {3% / 6% / 9%} bonus damage to enemies who are Slowed, and {3% / 6% / 9%} bonus damage to enemies who are Stunned or Immobilized. These bonuses stack and apply to Shadow Damage dealt by your Minions.
Thick Hide
Druid Ultimate Passive
Average Synergy
Whenever you are Stunned, Immobilized, or Knocked Down, Fortify for {6% / 13% / 20%} Base Life.
Barbarian Ultimate Passive
Average Synergy
Your Skills using Bludgeoning weapons deal x {5% / 10% / 15%} increased damage if the enemy is Stunned or Vulnerable.

All Aspects by Type and Slot

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