Best Unique Weapons and Armor To Use with Snare Paragon

The best unique equipment to use with the Snare paragon in D4 is Eyes in the Dark, which is a Unique Pants.

Best Aspects To Use with Snare Paragon

The best aspects to use with the Snare Rare Paragon in D4 is Blast-Trapper's Aspect, which is a Offensive Aspect and can only be used on Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%) Equipment Slots.

Best Paragons To Use in combination with Snare

The best paragon to use in combination with Snare paragon in D4 is Deadly Ambush.

Best Skills To Use with Snare Paragon

The best skills to use with the Snare paragon in D4 is Death Trap, and there is also a strong passive synergy with Trap Mastery.

Death Trap
Rogue Ultimate Active
Lucky Hit Chance: 4%
Cooldown: 50
Best Synergy
Place a trap that arms after 1.25 seconds. It activates when an enemy moves within range, dealing 250% damage to each enemy in the area.
Enemies are Pulled into Death Trap when it activates.
If Death Trap kills an enemy, its Cooldown is reduced by 12 seconds.
Poison Trap
Rogue Subterfuge Active
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Cooldown: 10
Best Synergy
Place a trap that arms after 1.25 seconds. It activates when an enemy moves within range, applying {396% / 431% / 465% / 499% / 534%} Poisoning damage over 9 seconds to enemies in the area.
You can have 4 armed traps out at once.
Poison Trap Knocks Down enemies for 1.5 seconds when it activates.
Poison Trap has a 30% chance to reset your Imbuement Skill Cooldowns when activated.
You deal 10% increased Poison Damage to enemies standing inside your Poison Trap.
Rogue Agility Active
Charge: 2
Charge Cooldown: 13
Lucky Hit Chance: 25%
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Good Synergy
Leap backwards and throw caltrops on the ground, dealing {40% / 43% / 46% / 49% / 52%} damage and Slowing enemies by {50% / 53% / 56% / 59% / 62%} . Lasts 6 seconds.
Enemies take x5% increased damage from you each second they are in Caltrops.
You have 5% Critical Strike Chance against enemies inside your Caltrops. Double this amount against Vulnerable enemies.
Caltrops now deal Cold damage and Chills enemies for 20% per second.
Shadow Clone
Rogue Ultimate Active
Cooldown: 60
Average Synergy
Your shadow mimicks your actions for 15 seconds.
This Shadow Clone deals 60% of your damage.
You are Unstoppable for 5 seconds after casting Shadow Clone.
Your Shadow Clone deals an additional 20% of your damage.
Rain of Arrows
Rogue Ultimate Active
Lucky Hit Chance: 2%
Cooldown: 55
Requires a Ranged Weapon
Average Synergy
Arrows rain down over a large area 2 times, each wave dealing 100% damage.
lmbuement Skill effects applied by Rain of Arrows have 30% increased potency.
Rain of Arrows first wave Knocks Down enemies for 3 seconds.

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