Where To Find Queen Gibdo Locations

You can find Queen Gibdo enemies near the Lightning Temple locations.

Queen Gibdo Map contents
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How To Beat Queen Gibdo

Below we breakdown the Queen Gibdo Weaknesses and Resistances, as well as what Armor, Materials and Food you should use to help you fight the Queen Gibdo in Zelda TotK. Before that lets learn more about the Queen Gibdo stats.

Queen Gibdo Stats
Detail Data
Attack Power Melee: 0
Ranged: 0
Exp Rewarded300.00 XP (Limit: 3000 XP)
Damage Type
WeaknessFire, Cold, Shock

Queen Gibdo Weakness

The Queen Gibdo is weak against Fire, Cold, Shock Attacks, which can be produced from fusing materials. Materials that produce Fire, Cold, Shock Attacks when fused with Weapons, Arrows, and Shields are as follows:

You can further increase the damage of Fire, Cold, Shock Attacks against Queen Gibdo when you use the following ingredients in any recipe:

Queen Gibdo is the boss of the Lightning Temple, and much like most main bosses has two phases during its fight meaning it changes its attack patterns midway through the fight. Before engaging with Queen Gibdo, Make sure to bring along some extra Shock Fruit or Yellow Chuchu Jelly to do some extra damage to the boss. Below, we will explain how to defeat Queen Gibdo, its attack patterns, and the location of the Lightning Temple on a map. You will first encounter Queen Gibdo outside the Lightning Temple and will use similar attacks to its first phase when you fight it at the end of the Temple. You will only be able to damage it after weakening it with Riju's Lightning. Whilst fighting, make sure to keep an eye out for its various attacks- the boss will stand upright and either begin flapping its wings, creating tornadoes that do damage if you touch them, or stomp on you, so make sure to keep distance or avoid these attacks. After damaging the boss to a certain point it will fly off and you won't encounter it until the end of the Temple. Just like the fight outside, the first phase inside will work the same way. When Phase Two begins, hives that spawn Gibdos appear, you can destroy them after they spawn Gibdos using Riju's Lightning- we recommend doing this first to reduce the amount of enemies you will be facing. Afterward, repeat what you did for Phase One for Phase Two- the only difference is that the boss might be harder to hit due to it flying around a lot more. We recommend using your strongest weapons to do as much damage as you can.

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