Where To Find Mucktorok Locations

You can find Mucktorok enemies near the Water Temple locations.

Mucktorok Map contents
Location Type Subtype Description Show on map

How To Beat Mucktorok

Below we breakdown the Mucktorok Weaknesses and Resistances, as well as what Armor, Materials and Food you should use to help you fight the Mucktorok in Zelda TotK. Before that lets learn more about the Mucktorok stats.

Mucktorok Stats
Detail Data
Attack Power Melee: 0
Ranged: 0
Exp Rewarded300.00 XP (Limit: 3000 XP)
Damage Type

Mucktorok Weakness

The Mucktorok is weak against Water Attacks, which can be produced from fusing materials. Materials that produce Water Attacks when fused with Weapons, Arrows, and Shields are as follows:

You can further increase the damage of Water Attacks against Mucktorok when you use the following ingredients in any recipe:

The Mucktorok is the boss of the Water Temple, and much like most main bosses has two phases during its fight meaning it changes its attack patterns midway through the fight. Before engaging with Mucktorok, Make sure you bring Chuchu Jelly and Splash fruit to clear the Sludge the boss leaves all around. Make sure you have a lot of Arrows for the long-range attacks, and you can optionally bring Keese Eyeballs to help with aim when the boss is far away or too fast to keep up with. Below, we will explain how to defeat the Mucktorok, its attack patterns, and a location of the Water Temple on a map. Before fighting Mucktorok, we recommend bringing your best weapons and packing enough food and elixirs for the fight. Remember, if you run out of Splash Fruit or Chuchu Jelly, you can still use Sidon's ability for the task. When the fight begins, the Mucktorok will swim around the arena, you can clean the Sludge off of it to expose it by using Sidon's Abilities or water-based ingredients like Splash Fruit- at this point it will try to run away, shooting it with an arrow will stun it temporarily which will allow you to attack it. During this Phase of the fight, the Mucktorok will attack you by running into you or by hitting you with a Sludge laser. These can be hard to dodge at close range. Continue attacking it until it goes into its Second Phase. During Phase Two, the Mucktorok coves the arena in large puddles of Sludge, which will slow you down. You can clear it away by using Sidon's Ability or by using your Items- but it will quickly replace it so we recommend being sparing with your items. The Boss will now have the ability to shoot Sludge into the air which will damage Link if he's hit by it. Continue attacking the Mucktorok with Water based attacks to reveal it once again, this time he will jump around the Sludge puddles to avoid you- this is where the Keese Eyeballs come into play. Due to the low gravity in the area, you can jump into the air and slow time by pulling your bow, this can also help with aiming if you do not have any Keese Eyeballs left. Just like the First Phase, once it's stunned you can attack it- repeat this until victory.

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