Emerald Upgrade Stats

The Emerald Gem Socket Effect for Weapons (Critical Strike Damage to Vulnerable Enemies), Armor (Thorns), and Jewelry (Poison Resistance). we also include the upgrade cost, level requirement and effect amount for each Emerald Upgrade (Crude Emerald, Chipped Emerald, Emerald, Flawless Emerald, Royal Emerald).

Emerald Effects by Equipment Slot
Slot Effect Upgrade Cost
Weapons Socket
X% Critical Strike Damage to Vulnerable Enemies
+6% - Lv.15
+7.5% - Lv.20
+9% - Lv.40
+10.5% - Lv.50
+12% - Lv.60
Requires 3 Crude Emerald and 4,500 Gold
Requires 3 Chipped Emerald and 12,500 Gold
Requires 3 Emerald and 18,000 Gold
Requires 3 Flawless Emerald and 50,000 Gold
Armor Socket
X% Thorns
+12 - Lv.15
+28 - Lv.20
+70 - Lv.40
+150 - Lv.50
+250 - Lv.60
Requires 3 Crude Emerald and 4,500 Gold
Requires 3 Chipped Emerald and 12,500 Gold
Requires 3 Emerald and 18,000 Gold
Requires 3 Flawless Emerald and 50,000 Gold
Jewelry Socket
X% Poison Resistance
11.5% - Lv.15
14.3% - Lv.20
16.9% - Lv.40
19.6% - Lv.50
22.1% - Lv.60
Requires 3 Crude Emerald and 4,500 Gold
Requires 3 Chipped Emerald and 12,500 Gold
Requires 3 Emerald and 18,000 Gold
Requires 3 Flawless Emerald and 50,000 Gold

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Best Paragons To Use with Emerald Gems

The best paragon to use with the Emerald gem in D4 is Bane (Druid), which is a Rare Glyph Node.

Eldritch Bounty
RogueLegendary Board
Average Synergy
  • When you attack with an Imbued Skill you gain 20% Resistance and 20% increased damage for that Imbuement's element for 6 seconds.
Constricting Tendrils
DruidLegendary Board
Average Synergy
  • Lucky Hit: Nature Magic Skills have up to a 15% chance to entangle the enemy with vines, Immobilizing them for 2 seconds and Poisoning them for 120% of the Base damage dealt over 4 seconds.
Heightened Malice
DruidLegendary Board
Average Synergy
  • While there are 3 or more Poisoned enemies Nearby, you deal 45% increased damage.
Bane (Druid)
DruidRare Glyph
Good Synergy
  • Description:
    For every 5 Intelligence purchased within range, you deal +2 - 10% (0.4% Per Level) increased Poison damage.
  • Radius Bonus:
    Poisoning damage effects have a 10% chance to deal double the amount of damage over their duration.
  • Radius Requirement:
    25 Intelligence
Bane (Rogue)
RogueRare Glyph
Good Synergy
  • Description:
    For every 5 Strength purchased within range, you deal +2 - 10% (0.4% Per Level) increased Poison damage.
  • Radius Bonus:
    Poisoning damage effects have a 10% chance to deal double the amount of damage over their duration.
  • Radius Requirement:
    25 Strength
Tracker (Druid)
DruidRare Glyph
Good Synergy
  • Description:
    For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal +2 - 10% (0.4% Per Level) increased damage to Poisoned targets.
  • Radius Bonus:
    Poisoning damage effects last x33.3% longer.
  • Radius Requirement:
    25 Dexterity
Tracker (Rogue)
RogueRare Glyph
Good Synergy
  • Description:
    For every 5 Intelligence purchased within range, you deal +2 - 10% (0.4% Per Level) increased damage to Poisoned targets.
  • Radius Bonus:
    Poisoning damage effects last x33.3% longer.
  • Radius Requirement:
    25 Intelligence
Revenge (Barbarian)
BarbarianRare Glyph
Average Synergy
  • Description:
    Grants +20 - 100% (4% Per Level) bonus to all Rare nodes within range.
  • Radius Bonus:
    Dealing Thorns damage to an enemy increases all damage it takes from you by x1%, up to x8%, for 10 seconds.
  • Radius Requirement:
    25 Willpower
Revenge (Necromancer)
NecromancerRare Glyph
Average Synergy
  • Description:
    Grants +25 - 125% (5% Per Level) bonus to all Rare nodes within range.
  • Radius Bonus:
    Thorns damage increases all damage an enemy takes from you and your Minions by x1%, up to x10%, for 10 seconds.
  • Radius Requirement:
    25 Willpower
SorceressRare Glyph
Average Synergy
  • Description:
    For every 5 Intelligence purchased within range, you deal +2 - 10% (0.4% Per Level) increased Non-Physical damage.
  • Radius Bonus:
    For each Skill equipped in your Enchantment Slots, gain 13.3% Resistance to that Skill's element.
  • Radius Requirement:
    40 Intelligence
NecromancerRare Glyph
Average Synergy
  • Description:
    For every 5 Intelligence purchased within range, Skeleton Mages deal +4 - 20% (0.8% Per Level) increased damage.
  • Radius Bonus:
    Skeletal Mages gain 25% increased Resistance to All Elements.
  • Radius Requirement:
    40 Intelligence

Best Aspects To Use with Emerald Gem

The best aspects to use with the Emerald gem in D4 is Aspect of Bursting Venoms, which is a Offensive Aspect and can only be used on Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%) Equipment Slots.

Aspect of Bursting Venoms
Average Synergy
Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes with Poison Imbued Skills have up to a 10% chance to create a toxic pool that deals [X] Poisoning damage over 3 seconds to enemies within. While standing in the pool, Poison Imbuement has no Cooldown and no Charge limit.
Aspect of Noxious Ice
Average Synergy
Chilled enemies Poisoned by Poison Imbuement will be further Chilled for 20% per second. You deal [14-29%] additional Poison damage to Frozen enemies.
Aspect of the Blurred Beast
Average Synergy
While dashing, Shred seeks out Neaby Poisoned enemies instantly dealing [70-100%] of the Poisoning damage to them.
Aspect of the Dark Howl
Average Synergy
Debilitating Roar is now a Werewolf Skill. In addition, Debilitating Roar will Immobilze Poisoned enemies for [2-4] seconds.
Infiltrator's Aspect
Average Synergy
Poison Trap no longer breaks Stealth and triggers no Cooldown or arm time while you are in Stealth. All Poision Traps activate when you exit Stealth and Poison Trap's Cooldown will be [5-8] seconds per trap placed.
Needleflare Aspect
Average Synergy
Thorns damage dealt has a [20-40%] chance to deal damage to all enemies around you.
Aspect of the Changeling's Debt
Average Synergy
Damaging a Poisoned enemy with a Werebear Skill will instantly deal [120-150%] of the Poisoning damage and consume the Poisoning.
Death Wish Aspect
Average Synergy
Gain [.65-.85] Thorns while Berserking.
Toxic Alchemist's Aspect
Average Synergy
Lucky Hit: Damaging a Poisoned enemy with a Shadow Imbued Skill has up to a 75% chance to create a toxic explosion that applies [.11-.16] Poisoning damage over 5 seconds to the target and surrounding enemies.
Subterranean Aspect
Average Synergy
Poison Creeper’s active also casts Landslide in a circle around you. Earth Skills deal [10 - 20%] increased damage to Poisoned enemies.
Pestilent Points Aspect
Average Synergy
Every third cast of Puncture is Poison Imbued with [100 - 150%] of normal potency.

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