Rend Stats and Upgrades

Barbarian Core Active
Fury Cost: 35
Lucky Hit Chance: 33%
Requires a Slashing Weapon
Cleave enemies in front of you, dealing {12% / 13% / 14% / 16% / 17%} damage and inflicting {96% / 106% / 115% / 125% / 134%} Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.
Dealing direct damage with Rend extends the duration of Vulnerable on enemies by 2 seconds.
Direct damage with Rend grants 4 Fury per enemy hit, up to a maximum of 20 Fury.
Rend deals x12% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.

Best Builds To Use with Rend

We have a total of (2) builds that use the Barbarian Rend Skill. You can view the best Rend builds below and the complete guide by Clicking/Tapping them.

Best Skills and Passives To Use with Rend

The best skills to use with the Rend skill in D4 is Rupture, and there is also a strong passive synergy with Gushing Wounds.
