The first of the two NEW Expansion Pass content that will become available in pokemon Sw & Sh is the Isle of Armor. Below we are going to use a Tier List to rank the Isle of Armor Best Pokemon based on their total Stat Points. These are stats like Atk, SP Atk, Def, Speed, etc. This help will help you better understand which of the new pokemon are strongest in Isle of Armor DLC Expansion.
The Isle of Armor Best Pokemon Tier List
The Isle of Armor Best Pokemon Tier List will list each stat, represented in colored bars, to better help you understand their overall strength.
- Pokedex # – Determines Pokedex placement.
- Types (Fire, Water, Grass, etc) – Determines the pokemon strengths and weaknesses.
- HP (Hit Points) – The amount of damage a Pokémon can receive before fainting.
- Atk – Damage a Pokémon deals when using a physical move.
- SpAtk – Damage a Pokémon deals when using a special move.
- Def – Damage a Pokémon receives when it is hit with a physical move.
- SpDef – Damage a Pokémon receives when it is hit with a special move.
- Spd – Pokémon with higher Speed at the start of any turn will generally make a move before ones with lower Speed.
Isle of Armor Tier List Rankings, we rank the Best to the Weakest Pokemon in the newest DLC Expansion. If you want a more in-depth view of each stats for each pokemon, you should check out our Isle of Armor Pokemon Stats List.
(Total CP Tier List)
- 000 - The numbers attached to the pokemon below are their Total stats combined. (HP, Attack, Sp. Attack, Defense, etc.)
- S Tier - (Best) Highest ranking Pokemon in our Pokemon Sword and Shield Tier List.
- A Tier - (Strong) Very strong option, but not on the same level as S Tier Choices.
- B Tier - (Good) Solid Choice and can be viable in the right match up.
- C Tier - (Average) The middle of the pack neither good nor bad.