Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokemon Locations

Welcome to our Pokemon Sword and Shield Spawn Locations, we will walk you through the basics of the weather. This is important as the weather will help determine the type of pokemon that will spawn more often. After you understand a little more about the weather you can start looking at the locations we have listed below. You can Click/Tap each location to view all the types of pokemon that will spawn in that area of the game.


Pokemon Sword and Shield Spawn Locations

The Pokemon Sword and Shield Spawn Locations are effected by the Weather, for example, certain pokemon will spawn in a area if te weather is sunny, while other will only spawn in the same location when the weather is rainy. Below we list all the differnt weather types you will find in Pokemon Sword and shield.

How do i make pokemon appear more often in the Wild?

There are several methods players can use to increase pokemon spawn rates in the wild areas, below we list the four most popular and effective methods.

  1. Defeating Pokemon – Everytime you defeat a pokemon in the wild, it will increase its spawn rate and appear more often.
  2. Pokedex Recommended Pokemon – When in a area you can view your Pokedex for Recommended Pokemon, as long as the pokemon are Recommended in the pokedex for that area they will appear more often.
  3. Pokemon Abilities – If your pokemon has certian abilities such as Fire Type Pokemon Sword and ShieldFlash FireGrass Type Pokemon Sword and ShieldHarvest, Electric Type Pokemon Sword and ShieldLighting Rod/Static, Water Type Pokemon Sword and ShieldStorm Drain and Steel Type Pokemon Sword and ShieldMagnet Pull you will have an increased chance to encounter a pokemon of that Type. (These will only take effect if the pokemon with the ability is at the head of the party.)
  4. Weather  – This most effective way to control Pokemon Spwans is to adjust the weather using your Nintendo Switch Date and Time Settings.

Did You Know you can control the weather in Pokemon SW and SH? Link below will walk your through how to do and the types of pokemon that will spawn in that weather.

Another thing to keep in mind is the difference between Overworld spawns and Non Overworld spawns. Simply put Overworld spawns are what you can see as you are playing the game, for instance as you are traveling in the game you will see pokemon in the wild sometimes in grass. you can then walk up to them and begin a battle. Where as Non-Overworld spawns you cannot see and follow the more traditional pokemon games where you will randomly begin a battle simply moving through the tall grass.

Pokemon Sw and Sh Crown Tundra Spawn Locations

List of Crown Tundra Locations Guides, Click/Tap any of the links below to view all the pokemon that spawn in each of the Crown Tundra DLC Locations.

List of Isle of Armor Locations Guides, Click/Tap any of the links below to view all the pokemon that spawn in each of the Isle of Armor DLC Locations.


You can view our other Pokemon S&S Guides below.

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