Liandry's Torment URF 14.5
In Patch 14.5 of LoL, the URF Version of Liandry's Torment Item has a Win Rate of 51.03% and is chosen in 2.48% of matches. It is most commonly used by Mage and Support Ultra Rapid Fire champions.
Item Description
Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn.
For each second in combat with enemy champions, gain increased damage.
Best Roles to Build URF Liandry's Torment
Lane Roles and Champion Roles this item is most commonly built on.
How to Build Liandry's Torment
Item recipe

Recipe result

Highest Win Rate URF champions
Based on Win Rate, the best champions to build the Liandry's Torment with are Singed, Cassiopeia, and Mordekaiser.
Highest Pick Rate URF champions
Based on Pick Rate, the best champions to build the Liandry's Torment with are Zyra, Morgana, and Malzahar.
URF Liandry's Torment Build Order Stats
Win Rate and Pick Rate stats based on the order the item was built.