Best Builds To Use with Walking Arsenal

We have a total of (2) builds that use the Barbarian Walking Arsenal Passive. You can click/tap any Walking Arsenal build below to view the complete Build.

Best Paragons To Use with Walking Arsenal

The best paragon to use with Walking Arsenal skill in D4 is Bone Breaker, which is a Legendary Board Node.

Best Skills To Use with Walking Arsenal

The best skill synergy with the Walking Arsenal passive in D4 is Frenzy, and there is also a strong passive synergy with Concussion.

Barbarian Basic Active
Fury Generate: 4
Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
Requires Dual Wielded Weapons
Average Synergy
Unleash a rapid flurry of blows, dealing {22% / 24% / 26% / 28% / 30%} damage with each pair of hits.
If Frenzy hits an enemy, its Attack Speed is increased by +20% for 3 seconds, up to +60%.
While Frenzy is granting +60% bonus Attack Speed, it also generates 3 additional Fury.
While Berserking, your other skills gain +5% Attack Speed for each stack of Frenzy you have.
You gain 8% Damage Reduction each stack of Frenzy you currently have.
Hammer of the Ancients
Barbarian Core Active
Fury Cost: 35
Lucky Hit Chance: 50%
Requires a Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapon
Average Synergy
Slam your hammer down with the fury of the Ancients, dealing {50% / 55% / 60% / 65% / 70%} damage to a concentrated area.
Gain x3% more Fury for 5 seconds for each enemy damaged by Hammer of the Ancients, stacking up to 10 times.
Hammer of the Ancients deals x1% additional damage for each point of Fury you had when using it.
After Overpowering with Hammer of the Ancients, you deal x30% more damage for 5 seconds.
Barbarian Basic Active
Fury Generate: 13
Lucky Hit Chance: 50%
Requires Bludgeoning Weapon
Average Synergy
Bash the enemy with your weapon, dealing {30% / 33% / 36% / 39% / 42%} damage. After bashing enemies 4 times, your next Bash will Stun for 1.25 seconds, this increases to 2 seconds if using a Two-Handed weapon.
Damaging a Stunned enemy with Bash grants you 20% Base Life as Fortify (150% to Bosses). Double this amount when using a Two-Handed weapon.
Damaging a Stunned enemy with Bash generates an additional 3 Fury, or 4 Fury if using a Two-Handed weapon.
After Critically Striking 4 times with Bash using a Two-Handed weapon, your next Core or Weapon Mastery Skill will Overpower.
Double Swing
Barbarian Core Active
Fury Cost: 25
Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
Requires Dual Wielded weapons
Average Synergy
Sweep your weapons from opposite directions, dealing {50% / 54% / 57% / 61% / 64%} damage with each weapon. Enemies caught in the center are damaged by both.
If Double Swing damages a Stunned or Knocked Down enemy, gain 25 Fury.
Casting Double Swing while Berserking grants 2 additional seconds of Berserking.
Hitting an enemy with both hits of Double Swing makes them Vulnerable for 2 second.