WoW Classic Best Class Tier List

Welcome to our World of Warcraft Classic Best Class Tier List, here we will rank the Best Classes to play in both PVP and PVE. First will be a general ranking of what class will do good in both settings, then for the PVE and PVP Class Tier List, we will include what Spec you should use. Keep in mind this is based on Classic WoW Patch 1.12.

WoW Classic Best Class Tier List

World of Warcraft Classic Best Class

This is an overall WoW Classic Best Class Tier List Ranking, this will display the Best Classes In WoW Classic 1.12 Patch for both PVP and PVE. The specific PVE and PVP Tier List with Specs can be found below.

Tier List Rankings

  • S Tier – (Best) Highest ranking Classes in our WoW Classic Tier List.
  • A Tier – (Strong) Very strong class, but not on the same level as S Tier Choices.
  • B Tier – (Good) Solid Choice and can be viable in the hands of a skilled player.
  • C Tier – (Average) The middle of the pack neither good nor bad.
  • D Tier – (Below Average) Slightly on the weaker side of an average pick.
  • E Tier – (Weak) Underpowered choice and wouldn’t recommend unless you enjoy the class.
  • F Tier – (Worst) The lowest ranking class in this WoW Classic Class Tier List.

In terms of what the World of Warcraft Classic Best Classes are, Warrior and Priest stand out almost instantly. This is partly due to the fact that Protection Warrior is the only viable Tank Class in WoW Vanilla Patch 1.12. Both the Proc Warrior and Priest are required for Raids and when combined in a PVP setting can be a fierce combo on the battlegrounds.

  • S Tierclass_warrior Warrior, class_priest Priest
  • A Tierclass_mage Mage, class_rogue Rogue, class_warlock Warlock
  • B Tier class_shaman Shaman, class_paladin Paladin
  • C Tier class_druid Druid, class_hunter Hunter
  • D Tier
  • E Tier
  • F Tier

WoW Classic Best PVP Class

This WoW Classic Best PVP Class Tier List focuses only on the PVP aspect of each Class within the Battlegrounds environment. We have also included the Specs as these will play a huge role in what makes that specific Class good in PVP WoW Classic Patch 1.12.

  • S Rogue SubtletyMage FrostPriest Shadow
  • A Priest HolyMage FireWarlock DestructionShaman ElementalPriest DisciplineHunter SurvivalWarlock AfflictionWarrior Arms
  • B Warlock DemonologyPaladin HolyPaladin RetributionHunter MarksmanshipShaman RestorationDruid RestorationRogue Assassination
  • C Shaman EnhancementMage ArcaneWarrior FuryRogue CombatDruid Feral Combat
  • D Druid BalanceHunter Beast MasteryPaladin ProtectionWarrior Protection
  • E
  • F

The WoW Classic Best PVP Class tend to be Class specs with high damage and strong Crowd Control CC. Rogue Sub are known for their strong single target damage, while Mages can burst and CC and Warlock have amazing AOE Damage from DOTs. PVP Specs tend to have most Hybrid Talent Builds found in WoW Classic 1.12.

You can view more WoW Classic Class Guides by Clicking/Tapping the links below.


WoW Classic Best PVE Class

This WoW Classic Best PVE Class Tier List is all about Dungeons, Raids, Questing and general use outside of the Player VS Player environment. We decided much like our other WoW Classic Best Class Tier List we would include the specs for each option.

  • S Warrior ProtectionPriest Holy
  • A Warlock AfflictionMage FireMage FrostPaladin HolyShaman RestorationDruid RestorationPriest ShadowShaman Elemental
  • B Warlock DemonologyHunter SurvivalPaladin ProtectionShaman EnhancementMage ArcanePriest DisciplineWarlock Destruction
  • C Rogue SubtletyWarrior FuryDruid Feral CombatHunter MarksmanshipHunter Beast MasteryDruid BalanceWarrior Arms
  • D Paladin RetributionRogue CombatRogue Assassination
  • E
  • F

This WoW Classic Best PVE Class Tier List is focused on Raids, Dungeon and even Questing. If you are looking for what class levels up fast then that would be between Warlock and Hunter, but overall late game gearing you will want Warrior Tank, Priest Healer and DPS AOE such as Warlock, Mage, and even Rogue.

You can view more WoW Classic PVE Leveling Class Guides by Clicking/Tapping the links below.

You can use these to further help you decide the rest of your build by Clicking/Tapping the links below.

We hope you enjoyed our World of Warcraft Classic Best Class Tier List and plan to update this as more information and class talent builds begin to develop.

You can view more WoW Classic Profession Leveling Guides by Clicking/Tapping the links below.