WoW Classic Best DPS

Welcome to our World of Warcraft Classic Best DPS Tier List, we rank the Highest DPS Class Specs for PVP Battlegrounds and PVE Dungeons, Raid content. This guide will help you figure out which Spec you should choose if you are looking to fill the DPS Role. Players should keep in mind this is the most common Role out of the 3 roles players tend to play in Classic WoW.


DPS Best DPS Tier List Rankings

  • Best DPS – (Best) Highest DPS ranking in our WoW Classic DPS Tier List.
  • Strong DPS – (Strong) Very strong, but not on the same level as Highest DPS.
  • Average DPS – (Average) Solid Choice, but we recommend something from the higher tiers.
  • Weak DPS – (Weak) These choices deal far too little of DPS to viable for this role.

We didn’t add certain Classes/Specs that are considered a Only Healing or Only Tank Class.

WoW Classic Best DPS Class Spec For PVP

WoW Classic Best DPS Class Spec For PVP within the Battlegrounds environment, this also applies to 1v1 Dueling to some extent. This is not simply big damage numbers, we also take into account spells and abilities that give an advantage in PVP. We made sure to include the Spec you need to choose since that is an important factor in choosing the Best DPS Class in Classic WoW.

  • Best DPS For PVP –  Warlock Affliction  –  Rogue Subtlety –  Warrior Arms –  Mage Frost –  Hunter Survival
  • Strong DPS For PVP –   Warlock Destruction –  Mage Fire –  Priest Shadow –  Shaman Elemental –  Warrior Fury –  Rogue Assassination –  Hunter Marksmanship
  • Good DPS For PVP –   Shaman Enhancement –  Warlock Demonology –  Paladin Retribution –  Mage Arcane –  Druid Feral Combat –  Rogue Combat –  Hunter Beast Mastery – Druid Balance –  Priest Discipline
  • Weak DPS For PVP –   Paladin Protection –  Warrior Protection

The highest DPS title is mostly held by Rogue, Mage and even Warlock if you can manage to stay alive long enough to get your damage off. Some specs within these classes will perform better than others when it comes to battlegrounds, as such we have placed them higher.

WoW Classic Best DPS Class Spec For PVE

WoW Classic Best DPS Class Spec For PVE Tier List is about how much damage to can do in Dungeons, Raids, Questing. Since trying to stay alive versus other players isn’t as important of a focus here, we can value doing damage specifically AOE(Area of Effect) a bit more.

  • Best DPS For PVE –  Warlock Affliction –  Warlock Destruction –  Mage Fire –  Priest Shadow –  Shaman Elemental
  • High DPS For PVE –  Hunter Marksmanship –  Mage Frost –  Hunter Survival –  Warlock Demonology –  Hunter Beast Mastery – Druid Balance –  Mage Arcane
  • Good DPS For PVE –   Shaman Enhancement –  Paladin Retribution –  Druid Feral Combat –  Rogue Combat –  Priest Discipline –  Rogue Subtlety –  Warrior Arms –  Warrior Fury –  Rogue Assassination
  • Weak DPS For PVE –   Paladin Protection –  Warrior Protection

Classes that do good in Dungeons and Raids tend to have a lot of AOE Damage, the Mage and Warlock Class are most suited for this. This same reason is why other class/specs struggle such as Warrior and Rogue can deal a good amount of damage but its only to one target at a time.


You can view more WoW Classic Class Guides by Clicking/Tapping the links below.

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