Guides Items

Pokemon Legends Arceus Materials List

All Materials List

This page lists all of the Pokemon Legends: Arceus Materials you use in Crafting Recipes, and here you can sort and filter by material types. Guides on how to find and farm each material, also all the items that can be crafted with that specific material in Pokemon LA.

PLA Materials List

Players can purchase materials at Craftworks, and you will then need to use a workbench or base camp with the materials you have gathered to craft items in Pokemon LA.

All Materials List
Material Where To Find Used For
Aguav Berry
Aguav Berry Tree
Apricorn Tree
Poke Ball
Great Ball
Ultra Ball
Sticky Glob
Heavy Ball
Leaden Ball
Gigaton Ball
Aspear Berry
Aspear Berry Tree
Full Heal
Black Tumblestone
Black Ore Deposit
Heavy Ball
Leaden Ball
Gigaton Ball
Cobalt Coastlands, Crimson Mirelands
Stealth Spray
Cake-Lure Base
Fieldlands Camp, Shops
Mushroom Cake
Honey Cake
Grain Cake
Bean Cake
Salt Cake
Old Gateau
Jubilife Muffin
Candy Truffle
Summit Camp, Jubilife Village
Dire Hit
Aux Evasion
Swap Snack
Caster Fern
Hay Stack, Leaves, Crimson Mirelands
Smoke Bomb
Scatter Bang
Sticky Glob
Choice Dumpling
Cheri Berry
Cheri Berry Tree
Full Heal
Chesto Berry
Chesto Berry Tree
Crunchy Salt
Found near and on Cliffsides
Salt Cake
Twice-Spiced Radish
Dazzling Honey
Grass Pile, Crimson Mirelands, Cobalt Coastlands
Honey Cake
Old Gateau
Under trees
Dire Hit
Choice Dumpling
Doppel Bonnets
Under trees
Aux Evasion
Figy Berry
Figy Berry Tree
Hearty Grains
Hay Stack, Crimson Mirelands
Grain Cake
Jubilife Muffin
Choice Dumpling
Hopo Berry
Hopo Berry Tree
Stealth Spray
Swap Snack
Iapapa Berry
Iapapa Berry Tree
Iron Barktongue
Near and on cliffsides
Aux Guard
Iron Chunk
Red Ore Deposit, Black Ore Deposit, Blue Ore Deposit
Great Ball
Ultra Ball
Leaden Ball
Gigaton Ball
Kings Leaf
Grass Pile, Crimson Mirelands, Cobalt Coastlands, Alabaster Icelands
Max Potion
Max Revive
Max Elixir
Aux Powerguard
Twice-Spiced Radish
Leppa Berry
Leppa Berry Tree
Max Ether
Lum Berry
Lum Berry Tree
Mago Berry
Mago Berry Tree
Medicinal Leek
Hay Stack, Crimson Mirelands, Alabaster Icelands
Nanab Berry
Nanab Berry Tree
Oran Berry
Oran Berry Tree
Pecha Berry
Pecha Berry Tree
Full Heal
Pep-Up Plant
Leaves, Alabaster Icelands, Cobalt Coastlands
Super Potion
Fine Remedy
Max Ether
Aux Power
Aux Guard
Pinap Berry
Pinap Berry Tree
Plump Beans
Grass Pile, Crimson Mirelands, Cobalt Coastlands
Bean Cake
Old Gateau
Twice-Spiced Radish
Pop Pod
Held by Wild Pokemon
Scatter Bang
Rawst Berry
Rawst Berry Tree
Full Heal
Razz Berry
Razz Berry Tree
Jubilife Muffin
Sand Radish
Alabaster Icelands, Cobalt Coastlands
Twice-Spiced Radish
Sitrus Berry
Grandtree Arena
Max Potion
Sky Tumblestone
Blue Ore Deposit
Sootfoot Root
Hay Stack, Cobalt Coastlands
Smoke Bomb
Old Gateau
Swap Snack
Spoiled Apricorn
Apricorn Tree, Grass Pile
Sticky Glob
Springy Mushroom
Grass Pile, Crimson Mirelands, Cobalt Coastlands
Mushroom Cake
Swap Snack
Red Ore Deposit, Black Ore Deposit, Blue Ore Deposit, Space-time Distortions
Star Piece
Under trees
Aux Power
Choice Dumpling
Red Ore Deposit
Poke Ball
Great Ball
Ultra Ball
Hay Stack, Crimson Mirelands, Alabaster Icelands
Hyper Potion
Superb Remedy
Wiki Berry
Wiki Berry Tree
Found commonly under trees
Pokeshi Doll
Item Types
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