
Pokemon Legends Arceus Evolution Items List

Evolution Items List

Pokemon Legends Arceus Evolution Items List of locations you can find these items. Below we detail how you can obtain Evolution Items like Thunder Stone, Fire Stone, and Water Stone in PLA. We also included the effects and how to craft Evolution Items if they are craftable.

PLA Evolution Items List

You can obtain 23 Evolution Items in Pokemon Legends Arceus. Evolution Items such as Black Augurite, (Used to evolve Scyther into Kleavor). Other items similar to this type like Dawn Stone, and Dubious Disc are obtained using the methods below.

Evolution Items List
Item Where To Find
Black Augurite
Used to evolve Scyther into Kleavor
Space-Time Distortions
Dawn Stone
Used to evolve Kirlia into Gallade, Glalie into Froslass
Space-Time Distortions, Ginter's Specials, Trading Post
Dubious Disc
Used to evolve Porygon2 into Porygon-Z
Space-Time Distortions, Trading Post
Dusk Stone
Used to evolve Murkrow into Honchkrow, Misdreavus into Mismagius
Space-Time Distortions, Trading Post, Ginter's Specials, Vessa - given after collecting 30 Wisps
Used to evolve Electabuzz into Electivire
Space-Time Distortions, Trading Post, Ginter's Specials
Fire Stone
A stone that can be used to evolve Hisuian Growlithe, Vulpix and Eevee
Space-Time Distortions, Trading Post, Ginter's Specials, Red Ore deposits, Eevees Evolution
Ice Stone
Used to evolve Vulpix/">Alolan Vulpix into Ninetales/">Alolan Ninetales, Eevee into Glaceon
Leaf Piles in Crimson Mirelands and Cobalt Coastlands, Alabaster Icelands - From Wanda after saving Zeke in Gone Astray
Leaf Stone
Used to evolve Hisuian Voltorb into Hisuian Electrode, Eevee into Leafeon
Space-Time Distortions, Eevees Evolution, Ginter's Specials, Trading Post
Linking Cord
Used to Evolve Graveler into Golem, Kadabra into Alakazam, Haunter into Gengar
Space-Time Distortions, Vessa - after collecting 50 wisps, Ginter's Specials, Trading Post
Used to evolve Magmar into Magmortar
Space-Time Distortions, Ginter's Specials, Trading Post
Metal Coat
Used to evolve Onix into Steelix, Scyther into Scizor
Space-Time Distortions, Ginter's Specials, Trading Post
Moon Stone
Used to evolve Clefairy into Clefable
On floor after completing Request #67 On a Full Moon
Oval Stone
Used to evolve Happiny into Chansey
From Vessa after collecting 5 Wisps
Peat Block
Used to evolve Teddiursa into Ursaluna
Cobalt Coastlands - digging with Ursaluna in the sand by the ocean
Used to evolve Rhydon into Rhyperior
Space-Time Distortions, Ginter's Specials, Trading Post
Razor Claw
Used to evolve Sneasel/">Hisuian Sneasel into Sneasler
Space-Time Distortions, Trading Post, Ginter's Specials
Razor Fang
Used to evolve Gligar into Gliscor
Space-Time Distortions, Ginter's Specials, Trading Post
Reaper Cloth
Used to evolve Dusclops into Dusknoir
Space-Time Distortions, Vessa - given after collecting 70 wisps, Ginter's Specials, Trading Post
Shiny Stone
Used to evolve Togetic into Togekiss, Roselia into Roserade
Space-Time Distortions, Ginter's Specials, Trading Post
Sun Stone
Used to evole Petilil into Hisuian Lilligant
Ginter's Specials, Trading Post
Thunder Stone
A stone that can be used to evolve Pikachu and Eevee
Space-Time Distortions, Trading Post, Ginter's Specials, Grey Ore deposits, Eevees Evolution
Used to evolve Porygon into Porygon2
Space-Time Distortions, Ginter's Specials, Trading Post
Water Stone
A stone that can be used to evolve Eevee
Space-Time Distortions, Ginter's Specials, Trading Post, Eevees Evolution, Blue Ore Deposits
Item Types
List of Pokemon based on Type