Guides Items

Pokemon Legends Arceus Aux Power

Aux Power

Power Ups

Effect An item that sharply boosts the offensive stats of a Pokémon during a battle. These effects disappear if the Pokémon leaves the battle.

How To Unlock Craft Shop Pruchase for 1,500

PLA How To Craft Aux Power Recipe

You will need 2: Swordcap, 1: Pep-Up Plant Material to craft a Aux Power at a Workbench or in Base Camps in PLA.

Materials Where To Find
Under trees
Pep-Up Plant
Leaves, Alabaster Icelands, Cobalt Coastlands

Where To Find Aux Power in PLA

Craft Shop Pruchase for 1,500

Request Where To Find How To Complete Rewards
Zubats EyesClarissa is found near the farm during the night, behind the houses. Catch a Zubat and speak with Clarissa. Aux Power
Getting Help From MachokeSpeak with Bosley in the Cobalt Coastlands. Complete the Pokedex 10 points for Machoke. 3x Grit Gravel, 1x Aux Powerguard
Items Similar to the Aux Power
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