Guides Spells List

Elden Ring Magma Sorcery Spells

List of all Magma Sorcery Spells in Elden Ring; We include the stats such as FP Cost, Slots Required, and what stats are required to use each Magma Sorcery spell and more. You can Click/Tap any of the Magma Sorcery Spells to view even more information, such as Builds, Where To Find, and more.

Elden Ring Best Magma Sorcery Spells To Use

List of Magma Sorcery Spells, we also included our tier ranking for them and what they do when you cast.

Magma Sorcery Spells List
Tier Name Type FP Slot INT FAITH ARC Effect
Black Blade-image
Black Blade
Erdtree Incantation
Magic 26 2 0 46 0 Caster creates an illusory black blade, then leaps forward to deliver a spinning slash that emits a wave of light. This can be followed up with one additional attack. This blade was once imbued with Destined Death. In addition to dealing damage, it reduces foes' maximum HP and continues to sap their current HP for a very short time.
Blood Incantation
Fire 15 1 0 14 17 Scatters bloodflame before caster to set area aflame.
Burn O Flame!-image
Burn O Flame!
Fire Giant Incantation
Fire 30 1 0 27 0 Raises a series of flame pillars around the caster. Charging further increases the number offlame pillars.
Carian Retaliation-image
Carian Retaliation
Carian Sorcery
Debuff 8 1 17 0 0 Swing your staff to dispel incoming sorceries and incantations, using their power to retaliate with glintblades.
Comet Azur-image
Comet Azur
Primeval Sorcery
Magic 40 (10) 3 60 0 0 Fires a tremendous comet in a torrent akin to the distant starry expanse, the place said to be the origin of glintstone. Hold to continue releasing the sorcery's power.
Death Lightning-image
Death Lightning
Dragon Cult Incantation
Blight 46 2 0 47 0 Strikes surroundings with storm of death lightning
Elden Stars-image
Elden Stars
Erdtree Incantation
Magic 47 2 0 50 0 Creates a steam of golden shooting stars that assail the area.
Eternal Darkness-image
Eternal Darkness
Night Sorcery
Debuff 25 1 35 0 0 Creates a dark space that draws in spells
Flame Fortification-image
Flame Fortification
Two Fingers Incantation
Fire, Buff 20 1 0 10 0 Increases fire damage negation.
Fortissax's Lightning Spear-image
Fortissax's Lightning Spear
Dragon Cult Incantation
Lightning 64 1 0 46 0 Stabs from above with two red lightning spears in tandem
Golden Vow-image
Golden Vow
Erdtree Incantation
Buff 47 1 0 25 0 Increases attack power and defense for the caster and nearby allies. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
Placidusax's Ruin-image
Placidusax's Ruin
Dragon Communion Incantation
Magic 62 3 0 36 0 Spews golden breath of Dragonlord Placidusax
Protection of the Erdtree-image
Protection of the Erdtree
Erdtree Incantation
Buff 30 1 0 35 0 Increase damage negation for all affinities except physical, for both the caster and nearby allies. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
Ranni's Dark Moon-image
Ranni's Dark Moon
Full Moon Sorcery
Debuff 62 (25) 2 68 0 0 Uses the caster as a vessel to incarnate a cold, dark moon, then sends it floating toward foes. The dark moon dispels all sorcery that touches it, and temporarily reduces magic damage negation for those it strikes.
Rennala's Full Moon-image
Rennala's Full Moon
Full Moon Sorcery
Debuff 55 2 70 0 0 Uses the caster as a vessel to incarnate a full moon, then sends it floating toward foes. The full moon dispels all sorcery that touches it, and temporarily reduces magic damage negation for those it strikes.
Rykard's Rancor-image
Rykard's Rancor
Magma Sorcery
Magic 35 1 40 18 0 Summons searign spirits that leave a trail of delayed explosions in their wake.
Scarlet Aeonia-image
Scarlet Aeonia
Servants of Rot Incantation
Scarlet Rot 56 3 0 35 0 Creates a giant flower that explodes with scarlet rot.
The Flame of Frenzy-image
The Flame of Frenzy
Frenzied Flame Incantation
Fire, Madness 16 1 0 16 0 Causes the yellow flame of frenzy to burst forth from the caster's eyes. Charging increases the range of the burst.
Agheel's Flame-image
Agheel's Flame
Dragon Communion Incantation
Fire 36 1 0 23 15 Transforms caster into a dragon to spew flaming breath from above. Charging extends duration. This incantation can be used while jumping.
Ambush Shard-image
Ambush Shard
Night Sorcery
Magic 16 1 23 0 0 Launches a projectile from a distance removed from the caster, so as to strike the enemy from behind. This sorcery can be cast repeatedly.
Assassin's Approach-image
Assassin's Approach
Two Fingers Incantation
Buff 15 1 0 10 0 Completely silences the footsteps of the caster. Additionally reduces fall damage and the sound produced by falling. This sorcery can be cast while in motion or crouching.
Divine Fortification-image
Divine Fortification
Two Fingers Incantation
Holy, Buff 20 1 0 10 0 Increases holy damage negation. This incantation can be cast while in motion.
Dragon Communion Incantation
Fire 28 (4) 1 0 15 12 Transforms caster into a dragon to spew flaming breath. Charging extends duration.
Ekzykes's Decay-image
Ekzykes's Decay
Dragon Communion Incantation
Scarlet Rot 48 (6) 1 0 23 15 Transforms caster into a dragon to spew scarlet rot breath from above. Charging extends duration. This incantation can be cast while jumping.
Electrify Armament-image
Electrify Armament
Dragon Cult Incantation
Buff, Lightning 27 1 0 15 0 Enchants armament held in the right hand with lightning-affinity attacks.
Flame Grant me Strength-image
Flame Grant me Strength
Fire Monk Incantation
Fire, Buff 28 1 0 15 0 Raises physical and fire-affinity attack power
Flame Protect Me-image
Flame Protect Me
Fire Monk Incantation
Fire, Buff 30 1 0 24 0 Creates a fire within that greatly increases fire damage negation.
Frozen Armament-image
Frozen Armament
Snow Witch Sorcery
Frostbite, Buff 20 1 15 0 0 Enchants armament held in the right hand with frost. This sorcery can be cast while in motion.
Glintstone Arc-image
Glintstone Arc
Glintstone Sorcery
Magic 10 1 13 0 0 Fires a horizontal arc of magic that spreads outward. This sorcery can be cast repeteadly and while in motion.
Gravity Well-image
Gravity Well
Gravity Sorcery
Magic 12 1 17 0 0 Fires a projectile of condensed gravitational force. Those struck by it will be pulled toward the caster. Charging enhances potency.
Great Heal-image
Great Heal
Two Fingers Incantation
Heal 45 1 0 15 0 Greatly Heals HP for self and nearby allies
Lansseax's Glaive-image
Lansseax's Glaive
Dragon Cult Incantation
Lightning 35 1 0 40 0 Creates a red-lightning glaive and sweeps the area from above. This attack unleashes trails of lightning.
Law of Regression-image
Law of Regression
Golden Order Incantation
Heal 55 1 37 0 0 Heals all ailments and dispels all special effects
Lightning Spear-image
Lightning Spear
Dragon Cult Incantation
Lightning 18 1 0 17 0 Summons a lightning spear and hurls it before the caster. Charging causes a lightning bolt to strike the point of impact
Litany of Proper Death-image
Litany of Proper Death
Golden Order Incantation
Holy 17 1 17 17 0 Creates an image of Order, dealing holy damage to nearby foes. This incantation is especially damaging to Those Who Live in Death. Any felled by this incantation cannot be revived.
Lord's Aid-image
Lord's Aid
Two Fingers Incantation
Heal, Bleed, Sleep, Poison 9 1 0 12 0 Alleviates buildup of poison, blood loss, and sleep for the caster and nearby allies. Additionally, cures poison. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
Loretta's Greatbow-image
Loretta's Greatbow
Loretta's Sorcery
Magic 28 1 26 0 0 Creates a magic greatbow and fires a great arrow. Charging enhances potency. Hold to keep the great arrow nocked.
Magic Glintblade-image
Magic Glintblade
Carian Sorcery
Magic 12 1 14 0 0 Creates a sigil overhead, from which an enemy-seeking glintblade appears after a brief delay. This sorcery can be used while in motion. Charging increases the delay.
Order's Blade-image
Order's Blade
Golden Order Incantation
Buff, Holy 22 1 13 13 0 Enchants armament held in the right hand with holy-affinity attacks. This incantation is especially damaging to Those Who Live in Death. Any felled by this incantation cannot be revived.
Terra Magicus-image
Terra Magicus
Glintstone Sorcery
Buff 20 1 20 0 0 Draws an academy sigil upon the ground, raising the magic strength of those within.
Theodorix's Magma-image
Theodorix's Magma
Dragon Communion Incantation
Fire 45 1 0 21 14 Spews magma breath of Theodorix from above
Unseen Blade-image
Unseen Blade
Night Sorcery
Buff 18 1 12 0 0 Enchants armament held in right hand, making it completely invisible. This sorcery can be cast while in motion.
Urgent Heal-image
Urgent Heal
Two Fingers Incantation
Heal 16 1 0 8 0 Heals a small amount of HP. This incantation can be cast while in motion.
Vyke's Dragonbolt-image
Vyke's Dragonbolt
Dragon Cult Incantation
Buff, Lightning 27 1 0 15 0 Enchants right-hand armament with lightning damage
Whirl O Flame!-image
Whirl O Flame!
Fire Monk Incantation
Fire 21 1 0 13 0 Sweeps area before caster with stream of fire
Wrath of Gold-image
Wrath of Gold
Erdtree Incantation
Magic 40 1 0 32 0 Produces a golden shockwave that knocks back nearby foes. Charging increases the size of the shockwave.
Barrier of Gold-image
Barrier of Gold
Erdtree Incantation
Magic, Buff 30 1 0 24 0 Greatly increases magic damage negation for the caster and nearby allies. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
Bestial Constitution-image
Bestial Constitution
Bestial Incantation
Heal, Bleed 10 1 0 9 0 Alleviates blood loss and frost buildup
Black Flame-image
Black Flame
Godskin Apostle Incantation
Fire 15 1 0 20 0 Throws a ball of raging black fire
Black Flame Blade-image
Black Flame Blade
Godskin Apostle Incantation
Fire, Buff 15 1 0 17 0 Enchants right-hand armament with black flame
Black Flame Ritual-image
Black Flame Ritual
Godskin Apostle Incantation
Fire 30 1 0 42 0 Summons a circle of black flame pillars around the caster. Charging increases the size of the circle.
Bloodflame Blade-image
Bloodflame Blade
Blood Incantation
Fire, Buff, Bleed 20 1 0 12 0 Engulfs armament held in the right hand with bloodflame. This incantation can be cast while in motion. After dealing damage, bloodflame continues to build up onset of blood loss for a very short time.
Borealis's Mist-image
Borealis's Mist
Dragon Communion Incantation
Frostbite 48 (6) 1 0 23 15 Transforms caster into a dragon to spew icy breath from above. Charging extends duration. This incantation can be cast while jumping.
Carian Phalanx-image
Carian Phalanx
Carian Sorcery
Magic 26 1 34 0 0 Creates a defensive arch of numerous magic glintblades overhead, which automatically attack nearby foes. This sorcery can be used cast while in motion.
Carian Slicer-image
Carian Slicer
Carian Sorcery
Magic 4 1 14 0 0 Conjures a magic sword and delivers a swift sweeping slash. This sorcery can be used without delay after performing another action.
Glintstone Sorcery
Magic 26 1 52 0 0 Fires a great magic comet
Dragon Communion Incantation
Frostbite 36 (4) 1 0 15 12 Transforms caster into a dragon to spew icy breath. Charging extends duration.
Flame Cleanse Me-image
Flame Cleanse Me
Fire Monk Incantation
Fire, Heal, Poison 14 1 0 12 0 Creates a fire within that burns away toxins. Alleviates poison and scarlet rot buildup and cures these ailments.
Founding Rain of Stars-image
Founding Rain of Stars
Primeval Sorcery
Magic 32 2 52 0 0 Summons a dark cloud ofstars overhead. Shortly after, the cloud will release a violent deluge of star rain. This sorcery can be cast while in motion. Charging increases potency.
Glintblade Phalanx-image
Glintblade Phalanx
Carian Sorcery
Magic 20 1 22 0 0 Creates a defensive arch of magic glintblades overhead, which automatically attack nearby foes. This sorcery can be cast while in motion.
Glintstone Icecrag-image
Glintstone Icecrag
Snow Witch Sorcery
Frostbite 12 1 15 0 0 The glintstone serves as a conduit, launching a mass of cold magic. This sorcery can be cast repeatedly and while in motion.
Glintstone Pebble-image
Glintstone Pebble
Glintstone Sorcery
Magic 7 1 10 0 0 The glintstone serves as a conduit, launching magical projectiles at foes. This sorcery can be cast repeatedly and while in motion.
Golden Lightning Fortification-image
Golden Lightning Fortification
Erdtree Incantation
Lightning, Buff 30 1 0 24 0 Greatly increases lightning resistance for self and allies
Great Glintstone Shard-image
Great Glintstone Shard
Glintstone Sorcery
Magic 12 1 16 0 0 The glintstone serves as a conduit, launching large magical projectiles at foes. This sorcery can be cast repeatedly and while in motion.
Gurranq's Beast Claw-image
Gurranq's Beast Claw
Bestial Incantation
Magic 21 1 0 15 0 Creates beast claws to rend surroundings with shockwaves
Howl of Shabriri-image
Howl of Shabriri
Frenzied Flame Incantation
Debuff, Madness 21 1 0 33 0 Shrieks, building up madness in nearby foes
Immutable Shield-image
Immutable Shield
Golden Order Incantation
Buff 15 1 19 19 0 Increases left-hand shield's affinity/ailment resistance
Law of Causality-image
Law of Causality
Golden Order Incantation
Buff 22 1 29 0 0 Manifests a small ring of causality within that allows the caster to automatically retaliate upon receiving a certain number of blows.
Lightning Fortification-image
Lightning Fortification
Two Fingers Incantation
Lightning, Buff 20 1 0 10 0 Increass lighting damage negation
Lightning Strike-image
Lightning Strike
Dragon Cult Incantation
Lightning 21 1 0 28 0 Summons a bolt of lightning that scatters and spreads around the surrounding area. This incantation can be cast repeatedly.
Lord's Divine Fortification-image
Lord's Divine Fortification
Two Fingers Incantation
Buff, Holy 30 1 0 27 0 Greatly increases holy damage negation for the caster and nearby allies. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
Lord's Heal-image
Lord's Heal
Two Fingers Incantation
Heal 42 1 0 20 0 Heals a massive amount of HP for the caster and nearby allies. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
Magic Fortification-image
Magic Fortification
Two Fingers Incantation
Magic, Buff 20 1 0 10 0 Increases magic damage negation
Meteorite of Astel-image
Meteorite of Astel
Gravity Sorcery
Magic 60 (12) 2 55 0 0 Calls a hail of small meteorites from the void.
Rotten Breath-image
Rotten Breath
Dragon Communion Incantation
Scarlet Rot 36 (4) 1 0 15 12 Transforms caster into a dragon to spew scarlet rot breath. Charging extends duration.
Scholar's Armament-image
Scholar's Armament
Glintstone Sorcery
Magic, Buff 25 1 12 0 0 Enchants armaments held in the right hand with magic-affinity attacks. This sorcery can be cast while in motion.
Smarag's Glintstone Breath-image
Smarag's Glintstone Breath
Dragon Communion Incantation
Magic 36 (6) 1 0 23 15 Spews magic breath of Glintstone Dragon Smarag from above
Star Shower-image
Star Shower
Glintstone Sorcery
Magic 23 1 24 0 0 Fires six magic shooting stars that pursue the target. This sorcery can be cast while in motion. Charging enhances potency.
Stone of Gurranq-image
Stone of Gurranq
Bestial Incantation
Magic 15 1 0 13 0 Hurls a boulder before the caster
Surge O Flame!-image
Surge O Flame!
Fire Monk Incantation
Fire 1 (1) 1 0 9 0 Creates a stream of fire to burn the area before the caster. This incantation can be cast while in motion. Hold to maintain the effect.
Swift Glintstone Shard-image
Swift Glintstone Shard
Glintstone Sorcery
Magic 3 1 12 0 0 The glintstone serves as a conduit, launching swift magical projectiles at foes. This sorcery can be used without delay after performing another action.
Blessing of the Erdtree-image
Blessing of the Erdtree
Erdtree Incantation
Heal 60 1 0 38 0 Grants a greater blessing to the caster and nearby allies, gradually restoring a large amount of HP. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
Crystal Release-image
Crystal Release
Crystalian Sorcery
Magic 38 1 41 0 0 Creates a mass of crystal, then shatters it to scour a wide area with a violent rain of crystal shards.
Crystal Torrent-image
Crystal Torrent
Crystalian Sorcery
Magic 24 1 47 0 0 Creates crystal mass that fires stream of crystal shards
Cure Poison-image
Cure Poison
Two Fingers Incantation
Heal, Poison 7 1 0 8 0 Cures the poison status ailment and reduces poison gauge build-up. This incantation can be cast while in motion.
Erdtree Heal-image
Erdtree Heal
Erdtree Incantation
Heal 65 1 0 42 0 Heals a vast amount of HP for the caster and nearby allies. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
Explosive Ghostflame-image
Explosive Ghostflame
Death Sorcery
Fire 29 1 42 30 0 Causes ghostflame explosion that burns wide area
Flame of the Fell God-image
Flame of the Fell God
Fire Giant Incantation
Fire 42 2 0 41 0 Releases a ball of raging fire said to be inhabited by a fell god. The fireball floats toward enemies and explodes, setting the area ablaze.
Glintstone Cometshard-image
Glintstone Cometshard
Glintstone Sorcery
Magic 19 1 36 0 0 Fires a magical comet with a trailing tail. This sorcery can be cast repeatedly and while in motion. Charging enhances potency.
Glintstone Stars-image
Glintstone Stars
Glintstone Sorcery
Magic 14 1 13 0 0 Fires three magic shooting stars that pursue the target. This sorcery can be cast while in motion. Charging enhances potency.
Greyoll's Roar-image
Greyoll's Roar
Dragon Communion Incantation
Debuff 75 2 0 28 17 Transforms caster into a dragon to emit a terrible roar, reducing the attack power and defense of nearby enemies.
Two Fingers Incantation
Heal 32 1 0 12 0 Heals HP for the caster and nearby allies. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
Loretta's Mastery-image
Loretta's Mastery
Loretta's Sorcery
Magic 43 1 46 0 0 Fires four great arrow from a magic greatbow at once
Carian Sorcery
Heal, Sleep, Madness 10 1 17 0 0 Alleviates buildup of sleep and madness. This sorcery can be cast while in motion.
Magma Breath-image
Magma Breath
Dragon Communion Incantation
Fire 30 1 0 14 10 Channels wyrm to spew magma breath
Scholar's Shield-image
Scholar's Shield
Glintstone Sorcery
Buff 30 1 12 0 0 Enchants shield held in the left hand with additional damage negation. This sorcery can be cast while in motion.
Stars of Ruin-image
Stars of Ruin
Primeval Sorcery
Magic 38 1 43 0 0 Fire twelve dark shooting stars that pursue foes
Unseen Form-image
Unseen Form
Night Sorcery
Buff 20 1 16 0 0 Makes the caster semi-invisible. While on horseback, effect extends to cover the mount. This sorcery can be cast while in motion.
Ancient Death Rancor-image
Ancient Death Rancor
Death Sorcery
Magic 24 1 34 24 0 Summons horde of vengeful spirits that chase down foes
Blessing's Boon-image
Blessing's Boon
Erdtree Incantation
Heal 30 1 0 24 0 Grants a blessing to the caster and nearby allies, gradually restoring HP. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
Bloodflame Talons-image
Bloodflame Talons
Blood Incantation
Fire, Bleed 14 1 0 13 15 Creates bloodflame lacerations that then explode
Collapsing Stars-image
Collapsing Stars
Gravity Sorcery
Magic 18 (24) 1 36 0 0 Fires numerous gravitational projectiles. Any foes struck will be pulled toward the caster. Charging enhances potency.
Crystal Barrage-image
Crystal Barrage
Glintstone Sorcery
Magic 14 (2) 1 23 0 0 Fires a volley of glintstone crystal shards. Charging increases potency.
Two Fingers Incantation
Buff 34 1 0 18 0 Creates a veil of darkness that conceals the caster. This incantation can be cast while in motion or crouching.
Discus of Light-image
Discus of Light
Golden Order Incantation
Magic 9 1 13 13 0 Fires ring of light before the caster
Dragonbolt Blessing-image
Dragonbolt Blessing
Dragon Cult Incantation
Lightning, Buff 20 1 0 21 0 Summons lightning to bolster the caster's body. Attacks become easier to deflect and resistance to all ailments is increased. However, lightning damage negation will be reduced.
Dragon Communion Incantation
Magic 32 1 0 17 13 Transformn caster into a dragon to tear through foes with dragon claws. Allows one follow-up attack.
Fire's Deadly Sin-image
Fire's Deadly Sin
Fire Monk Incantation
Fire 26 1 0 19 0 Sets area and self ablaze with raging flames
Freezing Mist-image
Freezing Mist
Snow Witch Sorcery
Frostbite 20 1 21 0 0 Releases a cold mist before the caster. This sorcery can be cast while in motion. Charging enhances range of the mist.
Frozen Lightning Spear-image
Frozen Lightning Spear
Dragon Cult Incantation
Frostbite, Lightning 36 1 0 34 0 Creates a spear of ice lightning and stabs it into the ground from above. On impact, the spear will burst into trails of lightning advancing forwards.
Magic Downpour-image
Magic Downpour
Carian Sorcery
Magic 20 1 15 0 0 Summons a mass of magic that fires projectiles over a wide area. This sorcery can be cast while in motion. Charging extends duration.
Night Comet-image
Night Comet
Night Sorcery
Magic 24 1 38 0 0 Fires semi-invisible magic comet
Night Maiden's Mist-image
Night Maiden's Mist
Night Sorcery
Magic 35 1 14 0 0 Releases a life-sapping silver mist before the caster, dealing damage to all caught within, including the caster. This sorcery can be cast while in motion
Pest Threads-image
Pest Threads
Servants of Rot Incantation
Scarlet Rot 19 1 0 11 0 Launches countless sticky threads before caster
Poison Armament-image
Poison Armament
Servants of Rot Incantation
Poison, Buff 15 1 0 10 0 Enchants armament held in the right hand with poison
Shadow Bait-image
Shadow Bait
Two Fingers Incantation
Debuff 15 1 0 13 0 Creates a pale gold shadow before the caster, luring foes of human build and attracting their aggression. This incantation can be cast while in motion or crouching, and will still affect foes that are already in a combat state.
Shattering Crystal-image
Shattering Crystal
Crystalian Sorcery
Magic 32 1 38 0 0 Creates crystal mass that shatters in forward burst
Thops's Barrier-image
Thops's Barrier
Glintstone Sorcery
Debuff 7 (7) 1 18 0 0 Creates a magic forcefield that deflects sorceries and incantations. Hold to continuously create barriers.
Triple Rings of Light-image
Triple Rings of Light
Golden Order Incantation
Magic 23 1 23 23 0 Fire three rings of light before the caster
Zamor Ice Storm-image
Zamor Ice Storm
Snow Witch Sorcery
Frostbite 22 1 36 0 0 Thrust staff into ground to create freezing tornado
Adula's Moonblade-image
Adula's Moonblade
Snow Witch Sorcery
Frostbite 26 1 32 0 0 Conjures a cold magic greatsword, then delivers a sweeping blow that launches a blade-like projectile of frost.
Ancient Dragons' Lightning Spear-image
Ancient Dragons' Lightning Spear
Dragon Cult Incantation
Lightning 42 1 0 32 0 Creates a spear of red lightning and stabs it into the ground from above. On impact, the spear will burst into trails of lightning covering the area.
Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike-image
Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike
Dragon Cult Incantation
Lightning 36 1 0 26 0 Summons a red bolt of lightning that scatters and spreads around the surrounding area. Charging enhances the range of the lightning bolt.
Aspect of the Crucible Breath-image
Aspect of the Crucible Breath
Erdtree Incantation
Fire 28 1 0 27 0 Creates throat pouch to spew fire while walking
Aspect of the Crucible Tail-image
Aspect of the Crucible Tail
Erdtree Incantation
Magic 22 1 0 27 0 Creates a supple tail that sweeps through foes before the caster. Charging enhances potency.
Aspects of the Crucible Horns-image
Aspects of the Crucible Horns
Erdtree Incantation
Magic 20 1 0 27 0 creates shoulder horn to gore foes from a low stance.
Black Flame's Protection-image
Black Flame's Protection
Godskin Apostle Incantation
Fire, Buff 30 1 0 30 0 Summons black fire within, increasing physical damage negation. However, sacred flasks and other such forms of HP restoration are impaired.
Cannon of Haima-image
Cannon of Haima
Glintstone Sorcery
Magic 45 1 25 0 0 Lobs an explosive magic projectile that flies in an arc. Charging enhances potency.
Carian Piercer-image
Carian Piercer
Carian Sorcery
Magic 19 1 27 0 0 Conjures a magic greatsword to impale foes. Charging lengthens the initial step in.
Flame Fall Upon Them-image
Flame Fall Upon Them
Fire Giant Incantation
Fire 18 1 0 28 0 Hurls several balls offire at once. Charging enhances potency and causes the balls offire to explode.
Gavel of Haima-image
Gavel of Haima
Glintstone Sorcery
Magic 25 1 25 0 0 Creates a magical greathammer and slams it down. Allows one follow-up attack.
Gelmir's Fury-image
Gelmir's Fury
Magma Sorcery
Fire 21 (3) 1 28 15 0 Conjures a surge of magma from the earth, covering the area. Charging extends the surge of magma.
Giantsflame Take Thee-image
Giantsflame Take Thee
Fire Giant Incantation
Fire 32 2 0 30 0 Hurls a massive ball of raging fire. Charging enhances potency and causes the ball offire to explode.
Glintstone Breath-image
Glintstone Breath
Dragon Communion Incantation
Magic 28 (4) 1 0 15 12 Transforms caster into a dragon to spew magic breath. Charging extends duration.
Great Oracular Bubble-image
Great Oracular Bubble
Claymen Sorcery
Magic 16 1 25 0 18 Produces a gigantic magical bubble that drifts towards foes before it naturally ruptures. Charging increases the delay before the bubble pops.
Greatblade Phalanx-image
Greatblade Phalanx
Carian Sorcery
Magic 35 1 29 0 0 Creates a defensive arch of larger magic glintblades overhead, which automatically attack nearby foes.
Gravity Sorcery
Magic 30 (10) 1 30 0 0 Calls small meteorites down from the sky. The meteor shower continues for as long as the sorcery is in effect
Noble Presence-image
Noble Presence
Godskin Apostle Incantation
Magic 20 1 0 26 0 Thrust out belly with gusto to unelash repelling shockwave
Order Healing-image
Order Healing
Golden Order Incantation
Heal, Blight 15 1 11 11 0 Alleviates death blight buildup
Radagon's Rings of Light-image
Radagon's Rings of Light
Golden Order Incantation
Magic 29 1 31 31 0 Creates golden ring of light to attack wide area
Scouring Black Flame-image
Scouring Black Flame
Godskin Apostle Incantation
Fire 21 1 0 28 0 Sweeps a wide area before the caster with black flame. Charging enhances range.
Shard Spiral-image
Shard Spiral
Glintstone Sorcery
Magic 14 1 27 0 0 Fire twin spiraling projectiles
Tibia's Summons-image
Tibia's Summons
Death Sorcery
Magic 20 1 28 20 0 Summons a group of Those Lost in Death. Three skeletons will appear some distance from the caster and attack foes before disappearing.
Unendurable Frenzy-image
Unendurable Frenzy
Frenzied Flame Incantation
Fire 42 1 0 31 0 Emits violent burst of yellow flame of frenzy from eyes.
Beast Claw-image
Beast Claw
Bestial Incantation
Magic 8 1 0 8 0 Creates beast claws that rend the land with shockwaves. Charging enhances potency.
Bestial Sling-image
Bestial Sling
Bestial Incantation
Magic 7 1 0 10 0 Swiftly flings a number of sharp rock shards. This incantation can be cast without delay after performing another action.
Bestial Vitality-image
Bestial Vitality
Bestial Incantation
Heal 18 1 0 12 0 Heals HP over a period of time
Briars of Punishment-image
Briars of Punishment
Aberrant Sorcery
Magic 13 (14) 1 0 21 0 Wounds caster to unleash trail of bloodthrorns
Briars of Sin-image
Briars of Sin
Aberrant Sorcery
Magic 9 1 0 24 0 Summons thorns from a whorl of your own blood.
Carian Greatsword-image
Carian Greatsword
Carian Sorcery
Magic 14 1 24 0 0 Conjures a magic greatsword and then delivers a sweeping blow. This sorcery can be cast repeatedly.
Catch Flame-image
Catch Flame
Fire Monk Incantation
Fire 10 1 0 8 0 Momentarily sparks flame from the caster's hand. This incantation can be cast without delay after performing another action.
Crystal Burst-image
Crystal Burst
Glintstone Sorcery
Magic 14 1 18 0 0 Fires a burst of glintstone crystal shards. This sorcery can be cast repeatedly and while in motion. Charging increases potency.
Dragon Communion Incantation
Magic 46 1 0 24 16 Transforms caster into a dragon to bite enemies before them.
Fia's Mist-image
Fia's Mist
Death Sorcery
Frostbite, Blight 25 1 23 18 0 Release a mist of death before caster
Flame Sling-image
Flame Sling
Fire Monk Incantation
Fire 14 1 0 12 0 Produces and throws a ball of raging fire. Charging up this incantation makes it more powerful and cases the ball to explode.
Frenzied Burst-image
Frenzied Burst
Frenzied Flame Incantation
Fire 22 1 0 22 0 Releases concentrated blasts of the yellow flame of frenzy from the caster's eyes. Charging enhances potency, enabling the blasts to penetrate the enemy's guard.
Honed Bolt-image
Honed Bolt
Dragon Cult Incantation
Lightning 12 1 0 24 0 Summons a bolt of lightning to strike foes from above. This incantation can be cast repeatedly.
Inescapable Frenzy-image
Inescapable Frenzy
Frenzied Flame Incantation
Debuff, Madness 32 1 0 21 0 Latches onto foes to spread madness. This incantation also causes buildup of madness in the caster, and is only effective against Tarnished.
Magma Shot-image
Magma Shot
Magma Sorcery
Fire 24 1 19 10 0 Fires a lump of magma that explodes on contact. Charging enhances potency.
Night Shard-image
Night Shard
Night Sorcery
Magic 7 (32) 1 18 0 0 Swiftly fires a semi-invisible magic projectile
O Flame!-image
O Flame!
Fire Monk Incantation
Fire 16 1 0 16 0 Momentarily sparks roaring flame from the caster's hand. Charging enhances potency.
Oracle Bubbles-image
Oracle Bubbles
Claymen Sorcery
Magic 12 1 19 9 15 Launches several small magic bubbles.
Poison Mist-image
Poison Mist
Servants of Rot Incantation
Poison 18 1 0 12 0 Releases a poisonous mist before the caster. This incantation can be cast while in motion.
Death Sorcery
Magic 14 1 16 14 0 Summons vengeful spirits that chase down foes. Charging enhances potency.
Two Fingers Incantation
Magic 9 1 0 10 0 Produces a shockwave that pushes away foes near the caster. This incantation increases in power when charged up.
Rock Blaster-image
Rock Blaster
Glintstone Sorcery
Magic 25 1 21 0 0 Imbues the ferrule of the caster's staff with magic, then thrusts it into the ground to create a massive magical shockwave. Hold to continue moving without striking the ground, and then push the end of the staff into enemies
Rock Sling-image
Rock Sling
Gravity Sorcery
Magic 18 1 18 0 0 Pulls a clumb of rocks from the earth and sends them flying. This sorcery can be cast while in motion.
Roiling Magma-image
Roiling Magma
Magma Sorcery
Fire 32 1 21 12 0 Fires a lump of condensed magma that explodes a short delay after hitting the target. Charging enhances potency and further delays the explosion.
Shatter Earth-image
Shatter Earth
Glintstone Sorcery
Magic 12 1 15 0 0 Imbues the ferrule of the caster's staff with magic, then thrusts it into the ground to create a magical shockwave. Allows one follow-up attack.
Glintstone Sorcery
Magic 12 1 15 0 0 Creates a small, floating star light that illuminates surroundings. This sorcery can be cast while in motion.
Swarm of Flies-image
Swarm of Flies
Blood Incantation
Bleed 14 1 0 11 16 Releases a swarm of bloodflies before the caster