All Remembrance Items

This page will list all Remembrance item you can obtain and what effect they will have when used in ER.

Elden Ring Remembrance List

This section of the page will list Remembrance items and in some cases what crafting materials can be used to make it.

Remembrance List
Name Effect Where To Find
Elden Remembrance-image
Elden Remembrance
The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader. Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes. Elden Beast, Elden Throne
Remembrance of Hoarah Loux-image
Remembrance of Hoarah Loux
The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader. Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes.
Remembrance of the Black Blade-image
Remembrance of the Black Blade
The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader. Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes.
Remembrance of the Blasphemous-image
Remembrance of the Blasphemous
The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader. Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes. Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy, Mt Gelmir
Remembrance of the Blood Lord-image
Remembrance of the Blood Lord
Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum, Mohg, Lord of Blood
Remembrance of the Dragonlord-image
Remembrance of the Dragonlord
The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader. Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes. Dragonlord Placidusax
Remembrance of the Fire Giant-image
Remembrance of the Fire Giant
The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader. Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes. Fire Giant Boss, Mountaintops of The Giants
Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen-image
Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen
The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader. Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, Raya Lucaria Academy
Remembrance of the Grafted-image
Remembrance of the Grafted
The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader. Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes Godrick the Grafted, Stormveil Castle
Remembrance of the Lichdragon-image
Remembrance of the Lichdragon
The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader. Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes. Lichdragon Fortissax
Remembrance of the Naturalborn-image
Remembrance of the Naturalborn
The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader. Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes. Astel Naturalborn of the Void
Remembrance of the Omen King-image
Remembrance of the Omen King
The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader. Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes. Morgott, the Omen King, Leyndell, Royal Capital
Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor-image
Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor
The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader. Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes. Regal Ancestor Spirit, Nokron
Remembrance of the Rot Goddess-image
Remembrance of the Rot Goddess
The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader. Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes. Malenia Blade of Miquella
Remembrance of the Starscourge-image
Remembrance of the Starscourge
The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader. Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes Starscourge Radahn
Item Types