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FP Cost Slots Fai Int Arc

Elden Ring Darkness is an Incantation Spell. You will need to have a Sacred Seal Equipped and 18 Faith, 0 Intelligence, 0 Arcane to cast this spell.

What It Does: Creates a veil of darkness that conceals the caster. This incantation can be cast while in motion or crouching.

Description: Incantation of the Two Fingers' servants, who once served as the assassins of the Roundtable Hold. Creates a veil of darkness that conceals the caster. This incantation can be cast while in motion or crouching. The assassins were themselves once Tarnished who had strayed from guidance, and they pursued their duty in the darkness that is without grace.

Navigate this Darkness Guide using the links below.

Where To Find Darkness Location in Elden Ring

How To Get the Incantation Spell Darkness in ER.

Incantation Spells Based on Damage Type