List of all Heal Spells in Elden Ring; We include the stats such as FP Cost, Slots Required, and what stats are required to use the spell and more. You can Click/Tap any of the Heal Spells to view even more information, such as Builds, Where To Find, and more.

Elden Ring Best Heal Spells To Use

List of Heal Spells, we also included our tier ranking for them and what they do when you cast the Heal spell.

Heal Spells List
Tier Name Type FP Slot INT FAITH ARC Effect
Great Heal-image
Great Heal
Two Fingers Incantation
Heal 45 1 0 15 0 Greatly Heals HP for self and nearby allies
Law of Regression-image
Law of Regression
Golden Order Incantation
Heal 55 1 37 0 0 Heals all ailments and dispels all special effects
Lord's Aid-image
Lord's Aid
Two Fingers Incantation
Heal, Bleed, Sleep, Poison 9 1 0 12 0 Alleviates buildup of poison, blood loss, and sleep for the caster and nearby allies. Additionally, cures poison. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
Urgent Heal-image
Urgent Heal
Two Fingers Incantation
Heal 16 1 0 8 0 Heals a small amount of HP. This incantation can be cast while in motion.
Bestial Constitution-image
Bestial Constitution
Bestial Incantation
Heal, Bleed 10 1 0 9 0 Alleviates blood loss and frost buildup
Flame Cleanse Me-image
Flame Cleanse Me
Fire Monk Incantation
Fire, Heal, Poison 14 1 0 12 0 Creates a fire within that burns away toxins. Alleviates poison and scarlet rot buildup and cures these ailments.
Lord's Heal-image
Lord's Heal
Two Fingers Incantation
Heal 42 1 0 20 0 Heals a massive amount of HP for the caster and nearby allies. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
Blessing of the Erdtree-image
Blessing of the Erdtree
Erdtree Incantation
Heal 60 1 0 38 0 Grants a greater blessing to the caster and nearby allies, gradually restoring a large amount of HP. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
Cure Poison-image
Cure Poison
Two Fingers Incantation
Heal, Poison 7 1 0 8 0 Cures the poison status ailment and reduces poison gauge build-up. This incantation can be cast while in motion.
Erdtree Heal-image
Erdtree Heal
Erdtree Incantation
Heal 65 1 0 42 0 Heals a vast amount of HP for the caster and nearby allies. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
Two Fingers Incantation
Heal 32 1 0 12 0 Heals HP for the caster and nearby allies. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
Two Fingers Incantation
Heal 32 1 0 12 0 Heals HP for the caster and nearby allies. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
Carian Sorcery
Heal, Sleep, Madness 10 1 17 0 0 Alleviates buildup of sleep and madness. This sorcery can be cast while in motion.
Blessing's Boon-image
Blessing's Boon
Erdtree Incantation
Heal 30 1 0 24 0 Grants a blessing to the caster and nearby allies, gradually restoring HP. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
Order Healing-image
Order Healing
Golden Order Incantation
Heal, Blight 15 1 11 11 0 Alleviates death blight buildup
Bestial Vitality-image
Bestial Vitality
Bestial Incantation
Heal 18 1 0 12 0 Heals HP over a period of time