Guides Spells List

Elden Ring Fire Giant Incantation Spells

List of all Fire Giant Incantation Spells in Elden Ring; We include the stats such as FP Cost, Slots Required, and what stats are required to use each Fire Giant Incantation spell and more. You can Click/Tap any of the Fire Giant Incantation Spells to view even more information, such as Builds, Where To Find, and more.

Elden Ring Best Fire Giant Incantation Spells To Use

List of Fire Giant Incantation Spells, we also included our tier ranking for them and what they do when you cast.

Fire Giant Incantation Spells List
Tier Name Type FP Slot INT FAITH ARC Effect
Burn O Flame!-image
Burn O Flame!
Fire Giant Incantation
Fire 30 1 0 27 0 Raises a series of flame pillars around the caster. Charging further increases the number offlame pillars.
Flame of the Fell God-image
Flame of the Fell God
Fire Giant Incantation
Fire 42 2 0 41 0 Releases a ball of raging fire said to be inhabited by a fell god. The fireball floats toward enemies and explodes, setting the area ablaze.
Flame Fall Upon Them-image
Flame Fall Upon Them
Fire Giant Incantation
Fire 18 1 0 28 0 Hurls several balls offire at once. Charging enhances potency and causes the balls offire to explode.
Giantsflame Take Thee-image
Giantsflame Take Thee
Fire Giant Incantation
Fire 32 2 0 30 0 Hurls a massive ball of raging fire. Charging enhances potency and causes the ball offire to explode.