Elden Ring Crystal Torrent is an Sorcery Spell. You will need to have a Glintstone Staff Equipped and 0 Faith, 47 Intelligence, 0 Arcane to cast this spell.
What It Does: Creates crystal mass that fires stream of crystal shards
Description: Sorcery of the mysterious Crystalians. Creates a mass of crystal, then fires off shards in rapid succession. Hold to continue firing shards. The wrath of the Crystalians encapsulated in sorcery. Each shard is of substantial size, making even a stray blow capable of inflicting a severe wound.
Navigate this Crystal Torrent Guide using the links below.
Where To Find Crystal Torrent Location in Elden Ring
How To Get the Sorcery Spell Crystal Torrent in ER.
Location | How To Get |

Sorcery Spells Based on Damage Type

Aberrant Sorcery
Carian Sorcery
Claymen Sorcery
Crystalian Sorcery
Death Sorcery
Full Moon Sorcery
Glintstone Sorcery
Gravity Sorcery
Loretta's Sorcery
Night Sorcery
Primeval Sorcery
Snow Witch Sorcery

Blood Incantation
Bestial Incantation
Dragon Communion Incantation
Dragon Cult Incantation
Erdtree Incantation
Fire Giant Incantation
Fire Monk Incantation
Frenzied Flame Incantation
Godskin Apostle Incantation
Golden Order Incantation
Magma Incantation
Servants of Rot Incantation
Two Fingers Incantation
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