Guides Spells List

Elden Ring Greatblade Phalanx

Greatblade Phalanx
Spell Type:
Damage Type:
FP Cost Slots Fai Int Arc

Elden Ring Greatblade Phalanx is an Sorcery Spell. You will need to have a Glintstone Staff Equipped and 0 Faith, 29 Intelligence, 0 Arcane to cast this spell.

What It Does: Creates a defensive arch of larger magic glintblades overhead, which automatically attack nearby foes.

Description: One of the sorceries of the Carian royal family. Creates a defensive arch of larger magic glintblades overhead, which automatically attack nearby foes. Used by the enchanted troll knights. They were the comrades of the young Rennala, bound by oath.

Navigate this Greatblade Phalanx Guide using the links below.

Where To Find Greatblade Phalanx Location in Elden Ring

How To Get the Sorcery Spell Greatblade Phalanx in ER.

Location How To Get
Sorcery Spells Based on Damage Type