Guides Horse List

Red Dead Redemption 2 Suffolk Punch

Red Dead Redemption 2 Suffolk Punch
Suffolk Punch

Quick Overview

Red Dead Redemption 2 Suffolk Punch horses are classed as draft horses, identified by their compact, stocky frame and also by their characteristic Sorrel or Chestnut coat. This Draft horse on average has low attributes and is used for pulling wagons and coaches. Where to find The Red Chestnut, Sorrel Suffolk Punch Locations, Cost and Stats will depend on its coat type.

Suffolk Punch Stats for all coat types of this horse.

Coat Type Handling HP STA SPD ACC Cost
Red Chestnut Draft Heavy 3 4 3 2 $120.00
Sorrel Draft Heavy 3 4 3 2 $120.00

Red Dead Redemption 2 Suffolk Punch Locations

Where to find Suffolk Punch Locations for every Coat.

Coat Locations
Red Chestnut Caught in the wild
Sorrel Caught in the wild

Suffolk Punch

  • Suffolk Punch horses are classed as draft horses, identified by their compact, stocky frame and also by their characteristic Sorrel or Chestnut coat.
  • Their strong build and high endurance levels make them ideal for heavy labor in farms, though their weight can make them hard to maneuver.
  • This breed of horse is known for its good Health, Stamina and Speed, allowing it to work long hours without tiring.
  • Suffolk Punch horses are identified as being hardy draft horses with high endurance and strength.

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