Wolves Stats and Upgrades

Druid Companion Active
Lucky Hit Chance: 50%
Cooldown: 11
Passive: Summon 2 wolf companions that bite enemies for {11% / 12% / 13% / 14% / 15%} damage.
Active: Direct your wolves to focus an enemy, leaping to them and striking for {135% / 146% / 157% / 168% / 179%} damage.

Best Builds To Use with Wolves

We have a total of (1) builds that use the Druid Wolves Skill. You can view the best Wolves builds below and the complete guide by Clicking/Tapping them.

Best Malignant Hearts To Use With Wolves

The best malignant heart to use with Wolves in D4 is Caged Heart of The Moonrage, which is a Vicious Type Socket.
