Pokemon Go Lure Modules

Pokemon Go Lure Modules are items players can use at a Pokestop to increase Pokemon Spawn Rates. Placing a Lure Module will increase the amount of pokemon that spawn for everyone who is within the distance of the “LIT”(LIT = Pokestop Currently Active with a Lure Module) Pokestop.

Lure Modules

Lure Module

Level 8 You Will Unlock Your First Free Lure Module.

Level 8 XP 7000  You Unlock Lure Modules

You will unlock more at Levels 10 – 15 – 20 – 25 – 30 – 35 – 40

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How Do I Use Pokemon GO Lure Modules?

STEP 1: Using Pokemon Go lure modules requires the player to be near a Pokestop. Once you are near the Pokestop will Change Shape, Tap it to interact with it.

Pokemon-Go-Lure-Modules (1)Pokemon Go Pokestop

STEP 2: After you have interacted you will see the “Landmark” that is the Pokestop. Near the top of it there will be an empty white space, this is where you will place and activate your Lure Module.

Lure Module Pokestop

After you have activated your Pokemon Go Lure Module the pokestop will change. Pinkish leaf pedals will begin to fall from it, and more Pokemon will begin to spawn the pokestop. any player within the distance of the pokestop will be able to benefit from your Pokemon GO Lure Module.

You’re Done, You can now enjoy catching more pokemon near this Pokestop.

Pokemon Go Pokestop Lure Module

Additional Information:

  • Pokemon Go Lure Modules Only Last 30 Minutes.

Do Lure Modules and Incense Stack?

Pokemon Go Tier List Lure ModulePokemon Go Incense
Each will spawn their own pokemon and work in tandem.
Lured pokemon at stops have a different color beneath them, incense pokemon are circled with the same pink clouds as the trainer. This would indicate they are both working at the same time.

Meaning YES they work together and do indeed stack, you will see more pokemon spawning with both in use at the same time.

Important Note: The type of Mons that will spawn will be based on the location. For instance, if Ground & Fire-type tends to spawn in that area, then the lure will attract a majority of Ground and Fire-Type Mon’s.

You should make sure you have enough Pokeballs since the amount pokemon spawning will be much higher than normal.

Side Note: (Incense spawns roughly 1 pokémon every 5 min while standing still and every 1 min/200 meters while moving)

Strategies Used With Stacking

This strategy of stacking these two items is best used in Nest Locations since it will increase the overall spawn rate related to that Nest.


For example: If you plan to visit a location with a high rate of Water Pokemon Spawns, Using a Pokemon Go Lure Module and Incense will Increase the number of water spawns dramatically.

This strategy can also be used to Power Level, Stacking these two items will spawn lots of Mon’s. With a Lucky Egg active, this can rack in lots of Trainer XP. This method is best used with a “Pokestop Cluster” active with lure modules.

Pokestop Farming

Combined this with an Incense, you will surely become overwhelmed with the amount of Mon’s spawning.


Egg Hatch Guide

Lucky Egg

Easter Egg


Pokemon Go Stardust


Battery Life


Lure Module



Razz Berry



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