Pokemon Go Lucky Egg are items players use to double the amount XP gain for 30 minutes. Activating a Pokemon Go Lucky Egg will help players level faster. There are multiple strategies players use with Lucky Eggs to power level their trainer level.
What Levels Do I Unlock Free Pokemon Go Lucky Eggs?
Level 9 You Will Unlock Pokemon Go Lucky Egg Item.
You will unlock more for free at Levels 10 – 15 – 20 – 25 – 30 – 35 – 40
Level 9 | XP 8000 | Lucky Egg |
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Leveling With Pokemon Go Lucky Eggs
There are two popular ways players use Pokemon Go Lucky Eggs to Power Level. The first one is a little more obvious, while the second will take some more time to prep for. Players should use both these methods just not at the same time.
1# PokeStop Hot Spots
TLDR: Farming Pokemon With Lucky Egg + Lure Modules + Incense All Active at the Same Time.
Players will find a cluster of Pokestop, ideally, with Lure Modules Active. While having a Lucky Egg and Incense active as well.
This will cause a lot of Pokemon to begin to spawn, keeping you very busy catching Pokemon almost nonstop. Catching large amount of Pokemon while your egg is active will rack in a lot of XP.
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Lure Modules & Incense Stack!
Each will spawn their own pokemon and work together.
Lured pokemon at stops have a different color beneath them, incense pokemon are circled with the same pink clouds as the trainer. This would indicate they are both working at the same time.
You should make sure you have enough Pokeballs since the amount pokemon spawning will be much higher than normal.
#2 Mass Evolution
Not everyone can afford to always have a Pokemon Go Lucky Egg active while catching Pokemon in Pokemon go. You can make the most out the 30 mins the Lucky Eggs give you to earn double XP.
STEP 1: Catch Lots of Pokemon, What I mean by this is spend some time gathering as much Pokemon as you can fit in your inventory.
STEP 2: Prepare your list of pokemon by transfering all the Pokemon you don’t plan to keep or evolve. You should get rid of pokemon with low IV Ratings and other duplicates you don’t plan to keep. You should have lots of candies ready and be prepared to evolve lots of leftover Pokemon.
STEP 3: Activate your Pokemon Go Lucky Egg at this point, the timer is on and you have 30 mins to Evolve all of the Pokemon you have stockpiled in your inventory.
So for example: If in 30 mins you manage to evolve 39 Pokemon, normally that would equally 39,000 XP. With a Pokemon Go Lucky Egg Active You Double The XP Gain, so then it would be 78,000 XP. This is the best way to make use of your limited Pokemon Go Lucky Eggs.
Pidgey Farming
Pidgey is surprisingly a Pokemon well worth the trouble of catching, if you plan to do “Mass Evolution”. Pidgey can be found almost anywhere in Pokemon and is one of the lowest candies cost for evolution. The other 2 would be Caterpie and Weedle.
Catching a Pidgey = 100 XP *With Lucky Egg 200 XP + 3 Pidgey Candies
Evolving A Pidgey Takes 12 Candies = 500XP *With Lucky Egg = 1000XP
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