Dragonbarrow Cave Guide

Elden Ring Dragonbarrow Cave is a location found within the Caelid Region. This Dragonbarrow Cave guide will detail Where To Find Dragonbarrow Cave and its Site of Graces, Bosses, Merchants, Items, Weapons, and points of interest within the Location.

Elden Ring Where To Find Dragonbarrow Cave Map Guide

Elden Ring Dragonbarrow Cave Creature List

Monsters/Creatures you can find in the Dragonbarrow Cave location, including enemies that can drop crafting materials.

Elden Ring Dragonbarrow Cave Materials

List of Materials used for crafting you can find in the Dragonbarrow Cave location in Elden Ring.

Elden Ring Dragonbarrow Cave Items

List of Items you can find in the Dragonbarrow Cave location in Elden Ring.

Dragonbarrow Cave Items
Items Effect Where To Find
Warming Stone-image
Warming Stone
Uses FP to generate warmth, continuously restoring the HP of those nearby.
Weeping Peninsula, Fort Gael, Lake of Rot, Mountaintops of the Giants, Consecrated Snowfield, Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree, Liurnia of The Lakes, Hidden Path to the Haligtree
Flamedrake Talisman-image
Flamedrake Talisman
Boosts fire damage negation.
Beastman of Farum Azula, Groveside Cave
Bull-Goat's Talisman-image
Bull-Goat's Talisman
Raises Poise
Dragonbarrow Cave