Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Terastal
When a Pokémon Terastalizes, its type changes to its Tera Type. This allows you to take advantage of the new type in battle, either by using moves that are the same type as your Pokémon's Tera Type or by changing your Pokémon's weaknesses. Choose wisely when to activate this special transformation, as the combination of Pokémon and Tera Types you use can make all the difference in battle.
Pokemon SV Tera Types How It Works
When a Pokémon Terastalizes, its type changes to its Tera Type. Below we use an example to explain how this works in a battle with Type Weaknesses and STAB. Charizard Terastalizing into Water Type (Charizard is NO longer Fire/Flying Type) this will make it a pure Water-type , which is weak to Electric and Grass, and resisting to Fire, Ice, Steel and Water. As for the STAB Type damage it will stack as follows:
- Charizard with Water Tera Type gives it a STAB of ×1.5 on Water, Fire and Flying.
- Charizard with Flying Tera Type gives it a STAB of ×2 on Flying, and ×1.5 on Fire.
Tera Types FAQs
How do i change my pokemon's Tera Type?
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