Guides Requests

Pokemon Legends Arceus Inspiration From Hippopotas Request

Inspiration From Hippopotas Request Guide

New clothing shop items

Where To Find Inspiration From Hippopotas Request in PLA

Where To Find Request
Speak with Anthe, the woman who runs the clothing store.

How To Complete Inspiration From Hippopotas Request in PLA

How To Complete
Travel to the Crimson Mirelands and catch Hippopotas pokemon, you need 1 male gender and 1x female gender. You can find these pokemon West of Sludge Mound in the large pools of mud.

You can find and catch Hippopotas at the locations listed below in PLA.

Hippopotas Locations

Crimson Mirelands (Sludge Mound, Scarlet Bog)

Coronet Highlands (Celestica Trail)

List of Pokemon based on Type