WoW Classic Stats

Welcome to our World of Warcraft Classic Stats Guide, here we explain what each Primary Attribute does Strength, Intellect, Agility, Stamina and Spirit. We will also discuss secondary stats such as Weapon and Spell Critical Strike Chance, Dodge Chance, Hit Chance, Attack Speed, etc.

Race Base Stats

Depending on which race you choose they will have a unique amount of base stats, for example, Undead Race starts with 25 Spirit, while the Dwarf Race only has 19 at the start.

Race Base Stats Str Agi Sta Int Spi
Human  20  20  20  20  21
 22  16  23  19  19
Night Elf  17  25  19  20  20
 15  23  19  24  20
Orc  23  17  22  17  23
 19  18  21  18  25
Tauren  25  15  22  15  22
 21  22  21  16  21

Class Bonus Stats

Depending on which class you choose you will receive some bonus stats that will be added to your total.

Class Bonus Stats Str Agi Sta Int Spi
 Warrior  +3  0  +2  0  0
 +2  0  +2  0  +1
 Shaman  +1  0  +1  +1  +1
 0  0  +1  +2  +2
 Hunter  0  +3  +1  0  +1
 +1  0  0  +2  +2
 Mage  0  0  0  +3  +2
 +1  +3  +1  0  0
 0  0  0  +2  +3
Attribute Stats In Classic WoW
The basic building blocks for your character are your attributes (Strength, Intellect, Agility, etc). They determine your physical and mental aptitude. The five attributes that define your character are listed below. They are primary attributes that influence secondary characteristics (Defense, Attack Power, etc).

WoW Classic Stats Explained

WoW Classic Stats Explained and how they affect your character, this is important to be aware of so you have a better idea of what stats you should stack with your class. We have a section for each Stat Intellect, Strength, Agility, Spirit, Stamina and more, explaining what you get from building that stat up.


The WoW Classic Strength Stat affects how much Melee Attack Power and how much Damage You can Block.

  •  – 2 Melee Attack Power per 1 point of Strength
  •  – 1 Melee Attack Power per 1 point of Strength.
  •  – Block 1 Damage for every 20 points of Strength.


The WoW Classic Agility Stat affects how much Melee/Ranged Attack Power and Increases Dodge Chance, Armor Rating, Weapon Critical Strike Chance.

  •  [All Classes] – 2 Armor for every 1 point of Agility.
  • 1% Critical Strike Chance for every 53 points of Agility.
  • 1% Critical Strike Chance for every 29 points of Agility.
  •  – 1% Critical Strike Chance for every 20 points of Agility.
  •  – 1% Dodge for every 14.5 points of Agility.
  •  – 1% Dodge for every 26 points of Agility.
  •  – 1 Ranged Attack Power per 1 point of Agility.
  •  – 2 Ranged Attack Power per 1 point of Agility.
  •  – 1 Melee Attack Power per 1 point of Agility.


The WoW Classic Intellect Stat affects your Maximum Mana, Spell Critical Strike Chance and how fast you Improve your Weapon Skills.

  •  – 15 Mana per 1 point of Intellect.
  •  – 1% Spell Critical Strike Chance for every 59.5 points of intellect.
  •  – 1% Spell Critical Strike Chance for every 60.6 points of intellect.
  •  –  1% Spell Critical Strike Chance for every 54 points of intellect.
  •  – 1% Spell Critical Strike Chance for every 59.5 points of intellect.
  •  – 1% Spell Critical Strike Chance for every 59.2 points of intellect.
  •  – 1% Spell Critical Strike Chance for every 60 points of intellect.


The WoW Classic Stamina Stat affects how much Maximum Health. (Also Affects Warlock and Hunter Pets Maximum Health)

  •  [All Classes] – 10 Health for every 1 point of Stamina.


The WoW Classic Spirit Stat will Increase Health Regeneration while out of combat and Increase Mana Regeneration while not casting any spells for at least 5 seconds. You will start to regenerate mana every 2 seconds until you begin casting spells again.

  •  – 5 Mana Regen per 15 Spirit.
  •  – 5 Mana Regen per 12.5 Spirit.
  •  – 5 Mana Regen per 17 Spirit.


You can view more WoW Classic Class Guides by Clicking/Tapping the links below.

Weapon Stats

The WoW Classic Weapon Stats such as Armor Penetration, Attack Speed, Attack Power, Critical Strike Chance, Hit Chance and Weapon Skill will affect your weapon damage.

  • Armor Penetration – Avoids a flat amount of the enemy Armor.
  • Attack Speed – determines how frequently your characters will auto-attack.
  • Attack Power – Increases the Damage by 1 per 14 Attack Power.
  • Critical Strike Chance – Increase your chance to strike a critical hit, Critical Hits deal 200% the normal damage.
  • Hit Chance – Reduces your chance to miss attacks.
    (VS Lvl 60 you need 5% Hit Chance to never miss an attack) (Dual Wield Requires 24% Hit Chance)
    (VS Lvl 63 you need 9% Hit Chance to never miss an attack) (Dual Wield Requires 25% Hit Chance)
  • Weapon Skill – Determines your weapon proficiency with the max level being 300. You will also gain the following stats:
    .04% Critical Strike Chance per 1 Weapon Skill Proficiency.
    .04% Hit Chance per 1 Weapon Skill Proficiency.
    .04% Reduced Chance Your Attacks will be Dodged per 1 Weapon Skill Proficiency.
    .04% Reduced Chance Your Attacks will be Parry per 1 Weapon Skill Proficiency.
    .04% Reduced Chance Your Attacks will be Blocked per 1 Weapon Skill Proficiency.

Caster Stats

The WoW Classic Caster Stats such as Spell Power, Healing Power, Spell Critical Strike Chance, Spell Hit Chance, Spell Penetration and Mana Per 5 Seconds will affect your spell damage.

  • Spell Power – Increases how much Damage you do with your Spells.
  • Healing Power – Increases how much Healing you do with healing spells.
  • Spell Critical Strike Chance – Increase your chance to strike a critical hit, Critical Hits deal 150% of the normal damage.
  • Spell Hit Chance – Reduces your chance to miss spells.
    (VS Lvl 60 you need 3% Hit Chance to never miss a spell)
    (VS Lvl 60 you need 16% Hit Chance to never miss a spell)
  • Spell Penetration – Reduces targets resistances to your spell attacks.
  • Mana Per 5 Seconds – Determines how much Mana you will regenerate every 5 Seconds.

Defensive Stats

The WoW Classic Defensive Stats such as Resistances, Defense Rating, Armor Rating, Block Rating, Block Value, Dodge Rating and Parry Rating will affect your character’s defense.

  • Resistances – Reduces the amount of Magic Damage.
    (The Resistance Cap is 315)
  • Defense Rating – Reduces your chance to be Hit and Critically Hit by a Weapon.
    (The Defense Rating Cap is 300)
    (You need 440 Defense Rating to avoid being critically hit by level 63 mobs)
  • Armor Rating – Reduces the amount of Physical Damage you take.
  • Block Rating – Increases your Chance to Block Physical Attacks.
  • Block Value – Increases the amount of damage reduced per blocked attacks.
  • Dodge Rating – Increases your chance to completely avoid Physical Attack Damage.
  • Parry Rating – Increases your chance to completely mitigate Physical Attack.