Nascent Butterfly
Elden Ring Nascent Butterfly Recipes List, and location guide on where to find and farm the Nascent Butterfly material in ER.
Description An arcane butterfly with translucent wings. Material used for crafting items. Exceedingly rare to find. This butterfly appears as if it's just emerged from its cocoon for its entire life.
Elden Ring Nascent Butterfly Recipes
List of recipes you can make using the Nascent Butterfly material in ER.

Where To Find Nascent Butterfly in ER
Nascent Butterfly can be found in the Ainsel River, Crumbling Farum Azula, Grand Cloister, Mt. Gelmir, Night's Sacred Ground, Nokron, Nokstella, Sage's Cave area(s).

Materials Similar to the Nascent Butterfly

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