Fire Blossom

Elden Ring Fire Blossom Recipes List, and location guide on where to find and farm the Fire Blossom material in ER.

Description A half-ashen and smoldering flower that blooms on the mountaintops of the Giants. Material used for crafting items. Fertilized by the sparks from the forge at the peak where burns the flame of ruin.

Elden Ring Fire Blossom Recipes

List of recipes you can make using the Fire Blossom material in ER.

Used To Make Recipe How To Unlock
Giantsflame Fire Pot-imageGiantsflame Fire Pot

Where To Find Fire Blossom in ER

Fire Blossom can be found in the Guardians' Garrison area(s).

You have a chance to find a Fire Blossom as a dropped item from Guardians' Garrison creatures. This method can be used to farm Fire Blossom drops for crafting recipes.

Materials Similar to the Fire Blossom