WoW Classic Twink Mage Build

Welcome to our World of Warcraft Classic Twink Mage Build for PVP Battlegrounds Level 19. Below we list the Best Race to use for Twinking and what Gear Pieces like Chest, Helm, and Weapons you should use for your Twink Mages in Classic WoW 1.12. We also have included the Talent Builds for Frost, Fire and Arcane Specs to maximize your damage output.

Twink Mage Best Race

For Twinking we Recommend using either a Troll if you are Horde or a Gnome if Alliance. We think these Races perform the best in a PVP Battlegrounds setting and have strong racial traits that help boost the mage classes damage (Troll) or escape (Gnome).

  • Best  –   Gnome,  Troll,  Undead
  • Average  –  Humans
  • Weak  –
  • Not Available –  Night Elf,  Orc,  Tauren,  Dwarves

World of Warcraft Classic Best Twink Mage Build

Twink Mage Gear Build

This is a list of the Best Mage Twink Gear you can equip each In Slot items for level 19 Twinks, there multiple options for some gear while other you have limited choices. If that item is exclusive to a certain Faction either Horde or Alliance it will be noted next to its name. We have included the Enchants you will want to apply to the gear, these are located within the Brackets [Enchant Name]. If you cannot find the gear we listed below then feel free to swap out for whatever you have available.

  • Head Green Tinted Goggles [Libram of Constitution]
  • Back Watcher’s Cape [Enchant Cloak: Superior Defense] OR [Enchant Cloak: Greater Resistance] OR [Enchant Cloak: Lesser Agility]
  • Chest Tree Bark Jacket [Enchant Chest: Greater Stats]
  • Shoulders Talbar Mantle
  • Legs Darkweave Breeches [Libram of Constitution]
  • Waist – Keller’s Girdle
  • Wrist Bright Bracers [Enchant Bracer: Superior Stamina]
  • Hands Magefist Gloves [Enchant Gloves: Greater Agility]
  • Feet Sanguine Sandals [Enchant Boots: Minor Speed]
  • Neck – (Horde)Scout’s Medallion OR (Alliance)Sentinel’s Medallion
  • Ring 1 – (Alliance)Seal of Wrynn OR (Horde)Seal of Sylvanas
  • Ring 2 – Lavishly Jeweled Ring OR (Alliance)Protector’s Band OR (Horde)Legionnaire’s Band OR Meadow Ring
  • Off-Hand  Furbolg Medicine Pouch
  • 1-Hand Weapon – Gravestone Scepter [Enchant Weapon: Spell Power]
  • 2-Hand Weapon – (Horde)Crescent Staff OR (Alliance)Twisted Chanter’s Staff [Enchant Weapon: Spell Power]
  • Trinket 1 – Arena Grand Master OR Minor Recombobulator
  • Trinket 2 Insignia of the Alliance OR Insignia of the Horde

WoW Classic Twink Mage Talent Build Guide

We detail the 3 different Mage Twink Talent Builds you should use for level 19 in patch 1.12. The first will be the Fire Spec which we recommend since it is very reliable, the second Frost is also a really solid choice. The final being arcane which if you plan to use you will want a Wand Weapon to make use of the Wand Specialization Talent.

Fire Spec


Frost Spec


Arcane Spec


Strength and Weaknesses

Below we list some of the Pros and Cons / Strength and Weakness of the Twink Mage Class in general. Having Food and Water helps not only you but your whole Battlegrounds group and can make a big difference among other things.

  • Strength – Free Food, Mana Pots and Water.
  • Strength – High DPS.
  • Weakness – Squishy Cloth Wearer.


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