Welcome to our World of Warcraft Classic Twink Druid Build Guide for Level 19 Battlegrounds. We list the Best Gear to equip such as Weapons, Trinkets and even Off Hand items to use when building your twink in Classic WoW. We have 3 different options for Talent Spec Builds you can use from the standard Melee Damage to the Balance Ranged DPS.
Twink Druid Best Race
Both Night Elf and Tauren are your only choices each belongs to its respective faction since there is so limited option when choosing a race you should just go with what faction you fill comfortable playing as.
- Best –
Night Elf,
- Average –
- Weak –
- Not Available –
World of Warcraft Classic Best Twink Druid Build
Twink Druid Gear Build
Below you will find a detailed list of what we think the Best Gear for Twink Druids that are Level 19 is, this guide includes Weapons and Trinkets. We have the Enchants you should use for each piece of gear, these are located within the Brackets [Enchant Name]. Some of these gear options may be difficult to find on your server, so we listed multiple choices if there are multiple options available to choose from. Certain Gear may be exclusive to a faction only quest, this will be noted and highlighted in Blue for Alliance and orange for Horde.
- Head – Green Tinted Goggles [Lesser Arcanum of Constitution] OR [Lesser Arcanum of Voracity]
- Back – Sentry Cloak OR Glowing Lizardscale Cloak [Enchant Cloak: Lesser Agility] OR [Enchant Cloak: Superior Defense] OR [Enchant Cloak: Greater Resistance]
- Chest – Blackened Defias Armor OR (Alliance)Tunic of Westfall [Enchant Chest: Greater Stats] Or [Enchant Chest: Major Health]
- Shoulders – Talbar Mantle OR Scouting Spaulders
- Legs – Leggings of the Fang OR Dark Leather Pants OR Scouting Trousers [Libram of Constitution] OR [Lesser Arcanum of Voracity]
- Waist – Deviate Scale Belt OR Girdle of the Blindwatcher
- Wrist – Beetle Clasps OR Wrangler’s Wristbands [Enchant Bracer: Superior Stamina]
- Hands – Scouting Gloves OR Magefist Gloves OR Gloves of the Fang [Enchant Gloves: Superior Agility] OR [Enchant Gloves: Greater Agility]
- Feet – Feet of the Lynx OR Footpads of the Fang OR Grizzled Boots [Enchant Boots: Minor Speed] OR [Enchant Boots: Greater Agility]
- Neck – Sentinel’s Medallion
- Ring 1 – (Alliance)Seal of Wrynn OR (Horde)Seal of Sylvanas OR Lavishly Jeweled Ring
- Ring 2 – (Alliance)Protector’s Band OR (Horde)Legionnaire’s Band OR Meadow Ring
- Shield –
- 1-Hand Weapon – Shadowfang OR Assassin’s Blade OR (Alliance)Protector’s Sword OR Sentinel’s Blade OR (Horde)Legionnaire’s Sword OR Scout’s Blade [Enchant Weapon: Fiery Weapon] OR [Enchant Weapon: Crusader] OR [Enchant Weapon: Agility]
- 2-Hand Weapon – (Horde)Crescent Staff OR (Alliance)Twisted Chanter’s Staff OR Staff of the Friar OR Staff of the Blessed Seer [Enchant Weapon: Spell Power] OR [Enchant Weapon: Mighty Intellect] OR [Enchant Weapon: Healing Power]
- Trinket 1 – Arena Grand Master
- Trinket 2 – Insignia of the Alliance OR Insignia of the Horde
WoW Classic Twink Druid Talent Build Guide
Below we have 3 of the Best Druid Twink Talent Builds to use for level 19 in WoW Classic. First, is our recommended PVP Spec and is focused on Rage and Energy up time. The second Talent Spec is for those who want to cast spells from a distance and play the Ranged DPS role. The last one is similar to our recommend first, expect we opt to grab Nature’s Grasp for a better catch for those cloth squishy targets.
Recommended PVP Spec
Balance Ranged DPS
Standard DPS
Strength and Weaknesses
Below we list some of the Pros and Cons / Strength and Weakness of the Druid Class in general.
- Strength – Stealth Class.
- Strength – Can self heal.
- Strength – Good Mobility.
- Weakness – Mana Hungry Spells
You can view other Twink Gear Build Guides by Clicking/Tapping the links below.
You can view even more WoW Classic Druid Build Guides by Clicking/Tapping the links below.
Druid PVP Builds
Druid Leveling Guide
Druid Balance Builds
Druid Restoration Builds
Druid Feral Combat Builds
You can view more WoW Classic Class Guides by Clicking/Tapping the links below.