Welcome to our World of Warcraft Classic Raid Guide, we have a complete list of every Raid Location with Images to help you find them. We also ranked them using the Best Raids Tier List in WoW Classic, which is based on Mob and Boss Difficulty, and the type of Loot and Gear you can obtain from going through this Instance.
- How To Find Raids in Classic WoW? – Raids do not appear on the map or minimap, you must find them on your own. We provide images below showing where you can find each Raid Location in the game.
- When are WoW Classic Raids going to be Released? – Blizzard plans to release content such as raids in Phases
Phase 1: Onyxia, Molten Core
Phase 2: –
Phase 3: Blackwing Lair
Phase 4: Zul’Gurub
Phase 5: Ahn’Qiraj
Phase 6: Naxxramas
WoW Classic Best Raids Tier List
The WoW Classic Best Raids Tier List ranks what we think is the best and worst in the game. There is a couple of main factors that determine where we place a raid within this ranking, first is the overall difficulty this includes the time it takes to complete, mobs and bosses. The other huge factor, of course, is the type of Gear/Loot that drops within the Raid, the better the loot the higher it ranks.
- Best Raids – Naxxaramas
- Good Raids – Temple of Ahn’Qiraj – Blackwing Lair – Onyxia’s Lair
- Average Raids – Molten Core – Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj
- Worst Raids – Zul’Gurub
WoW Classic Raid Locations
The WoW Classic Raid Locations List is complete with every Location and the Loot Level Range of gear you will find within it. With these images finding Raids in Classic WoW is the easy part, the hard part is trying to complete them, as these are the most difficult parts of the game. You will need a group of at least 40 or more players with various roles of Healer, Tank and DPS. From time to time you might see players refer to these Raids by their Abbreviation, so we decided to add this along for players still learn the terminology of Classic WoW.
Molten Core (MC) – [Tier 1-2]
The Molten Core Raid also known as MC will be one of the first Raids available in Classic WoW during Phase 1 and is famous for the Ragnaros Boss Fight.
- Release Time: Phase 1
- Raid Loot Level – 66-76
- Lockout Duration – 1 Week
- Important Loot Drops – Eye of Sulfuras used to make Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros, Bindings of the Windseeker used to make Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, Talisman of Binding Shard
- Molten Core Location – Found within the Blackrock Mountain
Onyxia’s Lair (Ony) – [Tier 2]
The Onyxia’s Lair Raid also known as Ony, this is another Phase 1 raid and is a short one boss raid and a classic part of WoW.
- Release Time: Phase 1
- Raid Loot Level – 75-76
- Lockout Duration – 1 Week
- Important Loot Drops – Deathbringer, Vis’kag the Bloodletter, Scale of Onyxia (Requires Skinning)
- Onyxia’s Lair Location – Found in Dustwallow Marsh
Blackwing Lair (BWL) – [Tier 2]
The Blackwing Lair Raid also known as BWL the 3rd to be released and expected in Phase 3 and has a couple of really good gear drops.
- Release Time: Phase 3
- Raid Loot Level – 76
- Lockout Duration – 1 Week
- Important Loot Drops – Claw of the Black Drake, Dragonbreath Hand Cannon, Chromatically Tempered Sword
- Blackwing Lair Location – Found within the highest point of Blackrock Spire
Zul’Gurub (ZG) – [Tier 1]
The Zul’Gurub Raid also known as ZD the 4th to be released and expected in Phase 4. This is a smaller raid that only requires at least 20 players and has a lot of boss fights, fully clearing this we reward players with close to 3000 Zandalar Tribe Reputation.
- Release Time: Phase 4
- Raid Loot Level – 61-68
- Lockout Duration – 3 Days
- Important Loot Drops – Zin’rokh, Destroyer of Worlds, Nat Pagle’s Fish Terminator
- Zul’Gurub Location – Found within the highest point of Blackrock Spire
Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ20) – [Tier 1]
The Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj Raid also known as AQ20 is expected in Phase 5 along with the Temple version AQ40. You are should have at least 20 players to complete and was originally released during an event Gate of Ahn’Qiraj, it’s still uncertain if there will be another such event during classic release phases.
- Release Time: Phase 5
- Raid Loot Level – 65-70
- Lockout Duration – 3 Days
- Important Loot Drops – Manslayer of the Qiraji, Qiraji Sacrificial Dagger, Staff of the Ruins, Stinger of Ayamiss
- Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj Location – Found within the southern part of Silithus.
Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40) – [Tier 2.5]
The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj Raid also known as AQ40 is expected in Phase 5 along with the Ruins version AQ20. This larger AQ requires at least 40 players hence the name AQ40 and this is when Raid Gear gets really good for all classes.
- Release Time: Phase 5
- Raid Loot Level – 78-88
- Lockout Duration – 1 Week
- Important Loot Drops – Formula: Enchant Gloves – Threat, Formula: Enchant Cloak – Subtlety
- Temple of Ahn’Qiraj Location – Found within the southern part of Silithus.
Naxxramas (Naxx) – [Tier 3]
The Naxxramas Raid also known as Naxx is expected to be available in Phase 6.
- Release Time: Phase 6
- Raid Loot Level – 86-92
- Lockout Duration – 1 Week
- Important Loot Drops – Power of the Scourge, Might of the Scourge, Corrupted Ashbringer, Fortitude of the Scourge, Resilience of the Scourge
- Naxxramas Location – Found in a floating Necropolis in the Eastern Plaguelands
You can view more WoW Classic Class Guides by Clicking/Tapping the links below.
- Druid Guide
- Hunter Guide
- Mage Guide
- Paladin Guide
- Priest Guide
- Rogue Guide
- Shaman Guide
- Warlock Guide
- Warrior Guide
You can view more WoW Classic Guides by Clicking/Tapping the links below.