Guides Pokedex

Pokemon Sword and Shield Mime Jr.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Mime Jr. is a Psychic and Fairy Type, which makes it weak against Ghost, Poison, Steel type moves. You can find and catch Mime Jr. in Route 10 - Winter Hill Station with a 30% chance to appear during All Weather weather. The Max IV Stats of Mime Jr. are 20 HP, 25 Attack, 70 SP Attack, 45 Defense, 90 SP Defense, and 60 Speed.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Mime Jr.
Mime Jr. Galar Pokedex ID: 364

List of Mime Jr. Max IV Stats in Pokemon SW SH.

Stat Amount Bar Graph
Total 310
HP 20
Attack 25
Defense 45
Special Attack 70
Special Defense 90
Speed 60

Based on this pokemon's stats we consider the best nature for Mime Jr. to have is Calm, this will increase it's Sp. Def and decrease it's Attack stats.

Mime Jr. Abilities

Ability Type Effect

Sword Pokedex Entry

It mimics everyone it sees, but it puts extra effort into copying the graceful dance steps of Mr. Rime as practice.

Shield Pokedex Entry

It looks for a Mr. Rime that’s a good dancer and carefully copies the Mr. Rime’s steps like an apprentice.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Mime Jr. Evolutions

How do i evolve Mime Jr. in Pokemon Sword and Shield?

Pokemon Sword and Shield Mime Jr. evolves into Mr. Mime with a after Mimic learned.

after Mimic learned
Mr. Mime
Pokemon CP Atk Def Sp Atk Sp Def Hp Spd
Mime Jr.
Mr. Mime

Mime Jr. Locations in Pokemon Sword and Shield

Where do i find and how to get Mime Jr.?

Mime Jr. does not spawn in the wild. Instead you can catch Mr. Mime and evolve it into Mime Jr.. A popular spawn location you can find Mr. Mime is in the Route 10 - Winter Hill Station area with a 30% chance to spawn during All weather.

Overworld Spawns (Visible in-game)

Pokemon Location Weather Spawn Lvl
Route 10 - Winter Hill Station
30%45 - 48
Route 10
40%45 - 48

Non Overworld Spawns (NOT Visible - Randomly found in tall grass)

Pokemon Location Weather Spawn Lvl
Lake of Outrage
13%50 - 52

Pokemon Sword and Shield Mime Jr. Raids

Where do i find Mime Jr. Raids?

You can find Mime Jr. raids in the following locations: Bridge Field, Hammerlocke Hills, Lake of Outrage, Motostoke Riverbank, Stony Wilderness.

You can Click/Tap the links below to view where to find Mime Jr. Raid Spawn Locations in Pokemon Sw and Sh.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Mime Jr. Weakness

Mime Jr. is a Psychic and Fairy Type pokemon. This will cause it to take More Damage from Ghost, Poison, Steel Type Moves and will take Less Damage from Psychic, Dragon, Fighting type moves.

Damage Types
Immune to Damage

What pokemon is Mime Jr. Weak Against?

Pokemon Type 1 Type 2 CP

What pokemon is Mime Jr. Strong Against?

Pokemon Type 1 Type 2 CP

Pokemon SW and SH Mime Jr. Moves List

What moves can Mime Jr. learn from TMs, TRs, and Leveling?

Mime Jr. can learn the type move at level . This move Bolded Pow numbers are adjusted for this pokemon's Psychic and Fairy type +50% STAB damage.

Mime Jr. Level Up Moves

Lvl Move Type Class Pow Acc PP Effect
01[] Pound
01[] Copycat
04[] Baton Pass
08[] Encore
12[] Confusion
16[] Role Play
20[] Protect
24[] Recycle
28[] Psybeam
32[] Mimic
36[] Light Screen
36[] Reflect
36[] Safeguard
40[] Sucker Punch
44[] Dazzling Gleam
48[] Psychic
52[] Teeter Dance

TM Moves Mime Jr. can learn

TM Move Type Class Pow Acc PP Effect
TM11Solar BeamSpecial12010010Charges on first turn, attacks on second.
TM14Thunder WaveStatus9020Paralyzes opponent.
TM17Light ScreenStatus30Halves damage from Special attacks for 5 turns.
TM18ReflectStatus20Halves damage from Physical attacks for 5 turns.
TM19SafeguardStatus25The user's party is protected from status conditions.
TM21RestStatus10User sleeps for 2 turns, but user is fully healed.
TM23ThiefPhysical6010025Also steals opponent's held item.
TM24SnoreSpecial5010015Can only be used if asleep. May cause flinching.
TM25ProtectStatus10Protects the user, but may fail if used consecutively.
TM27Icy WindSpecial559515Lowers opponent's Speed.
TM29CharmStatus10020Sharply lowers opponent's Attack.
TM31AttractStatus10015If opponent is the opposite gender, it's less likely to attack.
TM33Rain DanceStatus5Makes it rain for 5 turns.
TM34Sunny DayStatus5Makes it sunny for 5 turns.
TM39FacadePhysical7010020Power doubles if user is burned, poisoned, or paralyzed.
TM41Helping HandStatus20In Double Battles, boosts the power of the partner's move.
TM43Brick BreakPhysical7510015Breaks through Reflect and Light Screen barriers.
TM59FlingPhysical10010Power depends on held item.
TM63Drain PunchPhysical7510010User recovers half the HP inflicted on opponent.
TM70Trick RoomStatus5Slower Pokémon move first in the turn for 5 turns.
TM71Wonder RoomStatus10Swaps every Pokémon's Defense and Special Defense for 5 turns.
TM72Magic RoomStatus10Suppresses the effects of held items for five turns.
TM76RoundSpecial6010015Power increases if teammates use it in the same turn.
TM89Misty TerrainStatus10Protects the field from status conditions for 5 turns.
TM91Psychic TerrainStatus10Prevents priority moves from being used for 5 turns.

Mime Jr. TR Moves

TR Move Type Class Pow Acc PP Effect
TR08ThunderboltSpecial9010015May paralyze opponent.
TR09ThunderSpecial1107010May paralyze opponent.
TR11PsychicSpecial13510010May lower opponent's Special Defense.
TR20SubstituteStatus10Uses HP to creates a decoy that takes hits.
TR25PsyshockSpecial12010010Inflicts damage based on the target's Defense, not Special Defense.
TR26EndureStatus10Always left with at least 1 HP, but may fail if used consecutively.
TR27Sleep TalkStatus10User performs one of its own moves while sleeping.
TR29Baton PassStatus40User switches out and gives stat changes to the incoming Pokémon.
TR30EncoreStatus1005Forces opponent to keep using its last move for 3 turns.
TR33Shadow BallSpecial8010015May lower opponent's Special Defense.
TR34Future SightSpecial18010010Damage occurs 2 turns later.
TR35UproarSpecial9010010User attacks for 3 turns and prevents sleep.
TR37TauntStatus10020Opponent can only use moves that attack.
TR38TrickStatus10010Swaps held items with the opponent.
TR40Skill SwapStatus10The user swaps Abilities with the opponent.
TR49Calm MindStatus20Raises user's Special Attack and Special Defense.
TR68Nasty PlotStatus20Sharply raises user's Special Attack.
TR77Grass KnotSpecial10020The heavier the opponent, the stronger the attack.
TR82Stored PowerSpecial3010010Power increases when user's stats have been raised.
TR83Ally SwitchStatus15User switches with opposite teammate.
TR92Dazzling GleamSpecial12010010Hits all adjacent opponents.

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