This Pokemon Sword and Shield Gym Leaders Guide, as you travel through the game you will need to battle Gym Leaders. Defeating these pokemon trainers will reward you with Gym Badges. When battling a Gym Leader it can be as easy as choosing the right pokemon they are weak against, below we will list all the Gym Leaders and their pokemon they use and what type of pokemon they are weak against.
Pokemon Sword and Shield Gym Leaders Guide
Every Pokemon game typically has 8 Gym Leaders after which you can battle the Elite Four and finally your Rival often the NPC you battle along your journey through the game’s storyline. Your starter pokemon can affect what the first couple of gyms difficulty will be, for example, if I choose Bulbasaur and my first two gym types are Rock and then Water. This will make the start of the game fairly easy for me as my main pokemon is strong against those Elemental Types.
- Gym Leader #1 – Milo |
Grass Type
- Rewards – Grass Uniform, TM10 Magical Leaf
- Grass Badge – Unlocks more Poke Jobs and Great Balls + Super Potions at the Poke Marts | (Able to catch pokemon up to Lv. 25)
- Gym Leader#2 – Nessa |
Water Type
- Rewards – Water Uniform, TM36 Whirlpool
- Water Badge – Unlocks poke dolls at the Poke Markets | (Able to catch pokemon up to Lv. 30)
- Gym Leader #3 – Kabu |
Fire Type
- Rewards – Fire Uniform, TM38 Will-O-Wisp
- Fire Badge – Unlocks repels at the Poke Markets | (Able to catch pokemon up to Lv. 35)
- Gym Leader #4 – Bea |
Fighting Type (Pokemon Sword Exclusive Gym Leader)
- Rewards – Fighting Uniform, TM42 Revenge
- Fighting Badge – Unlocks Hyper Potions at the Poke Markets | (Able to catch pokemon up to Lv. 40)
- Gym Leader #4 – Allister |
Ghost Type (Pokemon Shield Exclusive Gym Leader)
- Rewards – Ghost Uniform, TM77 Hex
- Ghost Badge – Unlocks Hyper Potions at the Poke Markets | (Able to catch pokemon up to Lv. 40)
- Gym Leader #5 – Opal |
Fiary Type
- Rewards – Fairy Uniform, TM87 Draining Kiss
- Fairy Badge – Unlocks Super Repels and Ultra Balls at the Poke Markets | (Able to catch pokemon up to Lv. 45)
- Gym Leader #6 – Melony |
Ice Type (Pokemon Shield Exclusive Gym Leader)
- Rewards – Ice Uniform, TM27 Icy Wind
- Ice Badge – Unlocks Full Heals at the Poke Markets | (Able to catch pokemon up to Lv. 50)
- Gym Leader #6 – Gordie |
Rock Type (Pokemon Sword Exclusive Gym Leader)
- Rewards – Rock Uniform, TM48 Rock Tomb
- Rock Badge – Unlocks Full Heals at the Poke Markets | (Able to catch pokemon up to Lv. 50)
- Gym Leader #7 – Piers |
Dark Type
- Rewards – Dark Uniform, TM85 Snarl
- Dark Badge – Unlocks Max Potions and Max Repels at the Poke Markets | (Able to catch pokemon up to Lv. 55)
- Gym Leader #8 – Raihan |
Dragon Type
- Rewards – Dragon Uniform, TM99 Breaking Swipe
- Dragon Badge – Unlocks Full Restores at the Poke Markets | (Able to catch pokemon up any Level)
- Champion Cup –
- Champion – Leon
- Rival – Hop
In some cases, there are still battles to be fought and Pokemon to be caught after the Final Battle with your rival. These can some times be hidden but add extra gameplay for players still playing the game after they completed the main storyline.
You can view our other Pokemon S&S Guides below.